info Overview
Name - What is Mari Takahashi’s full name?

Mari Takahashi

Role - What is Mari Takahashi’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Mari Takahashi go by?

ta, clem, moral compass,

Gender - What is Mari Takahashi’s gender?


Age - How old is Mari Takahashi?


face Looks
Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mari Takahashi have?

dimples, beauty marks everywhere, freckles, eye bags

Weight - How much does Mari Takahashi weigh?

91 lb/ underweight

Height - How tall is Mari Takahashi?


Hair Color - What color is Mari Takahashi’s hair?

Raven black

Hair Style - How does Mari Takahashi style their hair?

short hair/ mid neck, messy and unkept

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Mari Takahashi have?


Eye Color - What is Mari Takahashi’s eye color?

Cloudy grey with yellow and green in the mix. pupil is sharp and pointed

Race - What is Mari Takahashi’s race?


Skin Tone


brightness_7 Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Mari Takahashi?

a very fidgety person, kind of shy, warms up to people quick

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mari Takahashi have?

can draw well, sleep, likes to run no one knows why though

Talents - What talents does Mari Takahashi have?

bruh this girl can pURR, can spin a ball on her finger, nobody has beat her in uno

Prejudices - What prejudices does Mari Takahashi have?

Ghosts are real (cough cough)

Flaws - What flaws does Mari Takahashi have?

Closed off, Reckless, Wakes up late, Anxious

Motivations - What motivates Mari Takahashi most?

she doesn't know yet, would like to just be a ninja.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mari Takahashi have?

Anxious, Can't confront people often, is scared of big missions but manages to accomplish them. SOMEHOW.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Mari Takahashi practice?

praise kami (: (: (:

Politics - What politics does Mari Takahashi have?


Occupation - What is Mari Takahashi’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Mari Takahashi’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Mari Takahashi’s favorite food?

chips and dip

Favorite possession - What is Mari Takahashi’s favorite possession?

simple gold necklace, no one gave it to her or had it passed down, she just loves it

Favorite weapon - What is Mari Takahashi’s favorite weapon?

Bow & Arrow

Favorite animal - What is Mari Takahashi’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Mari Takahashi have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Mari Takahashi’s birthday?

August 19th

Education - What is Mari Takahashi’s level of education?


Background - What is Mari Takahashi’s background?

Her mom and dad own a bakery and she works at it as well, what can she say, she needs money. She's an only child, so grew up pretty lonely. although having no friends, she's a really nice person. Knows who boruto shikadai, chocho, Sarada, inojin, etc.

child_friendly Family
Pets - What pets does Mari Takahashi have?

raven (summon but learns it when she is chunnin)

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
attach_file Notes

Mari is like her power, beautiful. Kohona is where she met all her now friends and people so close to her, practically family. She uses water based chakra, (cough katara cough)

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Mari Takahashi

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Mari Takahashi

This character was created by まり on

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