info Overview
Name - What is Carl Estevan’s full name?

Carl Estevan

Age - How old is Carl Estevan?


Gender - What is Carl Estevan’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Carl Estevan go by?


Role - What is Carl Estevan’s role in your story?

He is Larry's love interest and sorta like a guide. He leads Larry through the parts of his Kingdom he had never seen and then beyond. They teach each other the importance of each unique culture and peace. When their bond really shines is when they are both in unfamiliar territory and Carl is gets to look at things differently than he would've if he was alone.

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Carl Estevan have?

He generally has a bit of stubble, but shaves often.

Hair Style - How does Carl Estevan style their hair?

His hair is short in the beginning but t grows out into a small ponytail as their journey progresses. He has bangs that part around his face

Hair Color - What color is Carl Estevan’s hair?

Dark brown, reddish in sunlight

Height - How tall is Carl Estevan?


Weight - How much does Carl Estevan weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Carl Estevan have?

He has long dark eyelashes and wear's small goldish hooped earrings

Body Type

He is very lean from walking long, arduous distances and has plenty of stamina. He is a dynamic climber and adapts to stressful situations quickly.

Skin Tone

Kinda a warm russet color

Race - What is Carl Estevan’s race?

Cruit, from Cruitia, speaking Cruitian.

Eye Color - What is Carl Estevan’s eye color?

Deep, rich brown. Very warm, like upturned soil or tree bark.

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Carl Estevan have?

Because of the place he grew up in as well as the tough paths he had to take he is notably skilled in climbing and getting around rough terrain. He carries a sword sword but prefers to avoid altercations if possible as he doesn't have a lot of faith in his combat abilities against higher trained opponents. He is good at fighting with his fists however.

In his journal are highly entertaining stories that he's written based off of his adventures.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Carl Estevan have?

He picks at his nails when he's thinking and waves his hands around when he's struggling to find the words. He talks to himself when he's alone and nervous.

Motivations - What motivates Carl Estevan most?

Carl claims to "follow the money" but he won't do something if it feels wrong or goes against his personal beliefs. His motivations are blurry as he is unsure of why he does what he does. He grew up very poor and struggled to survive and provide for his siblings so he goes after money.

His motivation turns into protecting Larry and helping him complete his mission.

Later his motivation is to save his sibling.

Flaws - What flaws does Carl Estevan have?

He isn't used to having travel buddy ans hasn't been close to another person in a long time so he is rusty on his longtime socializing skills. He comes off as indifferent and harsh because of his quiet nature.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Carl Estevan have?

He doesn't believe Larry to be very capable because of his high class upbringing.
He often judges people before meeting them to try an deduce if they're a threat.
He doesn't trust beggars.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Carl Estevan have?

He takes a lot of odd jobs and has a plethora of stories which he writes down every now and again. He's gotten a bit of a knack for storytelling over the years. He also really enjoys sitting down with a good book.

Personality type - What personality type is Carl Estevan?

He has a cool temper bit loses any finesse with words when he gets overwhelmed with his emotions. He often times just stays silent while he processes to avoid saying that will either misrepresent his feelings or damage his relationship with whoever he's around.

He started traveling partly to experience a world held only heard of and to get away from the one he knew too well. Eventually his lust for the unknown and his curiosity for new things turns into survival as he does and says what he needs to to get by and goes to places he knows are safe. This changes once again while he's showing Larry around and he gets excited to see somewhere new.

He weaves silence around him like a shield and sword in conversations to gather information or get out of a bad situation. But he likes talking to Larry; getting to know him more and letting Larry get to know him.

He has a reliable reputation in places he frequents as someone that's honest and multi-talented and he is very proud of that.

He's not really an animal person but dogs are... not always bad.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Carl Estevan’s favorite color?

Light moss green; the color of Larry's eyes.

Favorite animal - What is Carl Estevan’s favorite animal?

He doesn't care much for animals but dogs can be alright. He see's their use for hunting and companionship but doesn't really want one. He likes deer; they taste good.

Favorite weapon - What is Carl Estevan’s favorite weapon?

His fists? It's what he's most confidant with.

Favorite possession - What is Carl Estevan’s favorite possession?

If he does have one it'll probably be connected to his childhood.

Favorite food - What is Carl Estevan’s favorite food?

He adores taffy and candied apples. He also really likes an amalgamation of beef, vegetables and gravy in a mountain of mashed potatoes.

Occupation - What is Carl Estevan’s occupation?

Odd jobs galore. Kinda like a mercenary but more like an adventurer/explorer.

Politics - What politics does Carl Estevan have?

He isn't fond of most royal establishments and hates tyrants and very harsh local governments.

Religion - What religion does Carl Estevan practice?

Gives respect to the forest spirits despite his doubts.

info History
Birthday - When is Carl Estevan’s birthday?

I'm thinking July or August.

Background - What is Carl Estevan’s background?

He grew up as the oldest brother to three younger siblings; a sister and two brothers. Their family was always very poor and their mother was exposed to whispers of the wellwisher and 'lost her mind'. Their mother is just an unstable and angry old woman that lived an unsatisfactory life and takes it out on her children.

Carl and his sister were essentially parents to the younger ones growing up and had to provide most meals and shred whatever knowledge they learned.

He left home after not being able to handle being stuck there any longer and bettered his skills at reading and writing. He planned to makes some money and learn some things and then return to take his siblings somewhere else but never made it back. He regularly writes his sister, telling her where and when to write him back if she wants and has time to. He's disappointed more often than not.

He felt kinda lost after a while of adventuring - not enjoying the prospect of going home but also not wanting to continue forward either. He'd feel too guilty and aware of his family to be able to comfortably settle down somewhere live peacefully.

In some ways, helping Larry also helped him. He grew a lot while with Larry and regained his love for explorations and adventure.

Education - What is Carl Estevan’s level of education?

He can do basic math and count money. His reading and writing skills are good. He was taught math by a trader that needed him for something I'll figure out later.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Carl Estevan have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

The picture isn't entirely accurate but it gets the point across.

He's whipped for Larry.

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This character was created by LJ on

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