info Overview
Name - What is Onyx Argent’s full name?

Onyx Argent

Other names - What other aliases does Onyx Argent go by?

Nyx, Reaper

Role - What is Onyx Argent’s role in your story?

Narrator and Main character

Age - How old is Onyx Argent?

15 (at the start)
18 (in the bulk of it)
19 (by the end)

Gender - What is Onyx Argent’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Onyx Argent style their hair?

Long, slightly curly

Hair Color - What color is Onyx Argent’s hair?


Height - How tall is Onyx Argent?


Weight - How much does Onyx Argent weigh?

145 lbs

Body Type


Skin Tone


Linked Races

Race - What is Onyx Argent’s race?


Eye Color - What is Onyx Argent’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Onyx Argent have?

Picks at lips absentmindedly, picks at nail polish (on the rare occasion she had polish on her fingers)

Motivations - What motivates Onyx Argent most?

Revenge for her parents

Flaws - What flaws does Onyx Argent have?


Prejudices - What prejudices does Onyx Argent have?

Does not think anyone from Laekar can be good (will change as story progresses)

Talents - What talents does Onyx Argent have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Onyx Argent have?

Will help mend clothes, armor, and weapons when she has the time because it reminds her of home.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Onyx Argent’s occupation?

Spy, magician, and acting royal advisor for the future King of Xenada

info History
Background - What is Onyx Argent’s background?

Came from a small town, daughter of a seamstress and a blacksmith, learned how to make weapons, armor, and clothes from helping around the shop

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Onyx Argent have?

Nova (her horse)

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Status
Alive or Dead?


Main, Side, Guest, or Mentioned?


folder_open Orientation
- {:age=>"How old is %{name}?", :other_names=>"What other aliases does %{name} go by?", :background=>"What is %{name}’s background?", :birthday=>"When is %{name}’s birthday?", :bodytype=>"What is %{name}’s body type?", :description=>"Describe %{name}.", :education=>"What is %{name}’s level of education?", :eye_color=>"What is %{name}’s eye color?", :facial_hair=>"What facial hair does %{name} have?", :favorite_animal=>"What is %{name}’s favorite animal?", :favorite_color=>"What is %{name}’s favorite color?", :favorite_food=>"What is %{name}’s favorite food?", :favorite_possession=>"What is %{name}’s favorite possession?", :favorite_weapon=>"What is %{name}’s favorite weapon?", :flaws=>"What flaws does %{name} have?", :gender=>"What is %{name}’s gender?", :hair_color=>"What color is %{name}’s hair?", :hair_style=>"How does %{name} style their hair?", :height=>"How tall is %{name}?", :hobbies=>"What hobbies does %{name} have?", :identifying_marks=>"What identifying marks does %{name} have?", :job=>"What job does %{name} have?", :mannerisms=>"What mannerisms does %{name} have?", :motivations=>"What motivates %{name} most?", :name=>"What is %{name}’s full name?", :occupation=>"What is %{name}’s occupation?", :pets=>"What pets does %{name} have?", :politics=>"What politics does %{name} have?", :prejudices=>"What prejudices does %{name} have?", :race=>"What is %{name}’s race?", :religion=>"What religion does %{name} practice?", :role=>"What is %{name}’s role in your story?", :skintone=>"What skin tone does %{name} have?", :talents=>"What talents does %{name} have?", :weight=>"How much does %{name} weigh?", :personality_type=>"What personality type is %{name}?", :conditions=>"What physical, mental, or other conditions does %{name} have?"}


folder_open Other Important Information
Character chevron_right Mothers link linked Onyx Argent

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Onyx Argent

Character chevron_right Children link linked Onyx Argent

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Onyx Argent

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Onyx Argent

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Onyx Argent

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Onyx Argent

Group chevron_right Members link linked Onyx Argent

This character was created by Emily on

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