info Overview
Name - What is Coriander C Tindale’s full name?

Coriander C Tindale

Gender - What is Coriander C Tindale’s gender?


Role - What is Coriander C Tindale’s role in your story?

"incompetent" spy for the Hommolys

Other names - What other aliases does Coriander C Tindale go by?

Golden Oxfords - called this by Mel, Jordan, and Alex for his shoes

Age - How old is Coriander C Tindale?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Coriander C Tindale?


Hair Color - What color is Coriander C Tindale’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Coriander C Tindale style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Coriander C Tindale have?

sexy stubble

Eye Color - What is Coriander C Tindale’s eye color?

black brown

Skin Tone

medium brown

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Coriander C Tindale have?

too focused on revenge

Talents - What talents does Coriander C Tindale have?

an eye for design
can read a room, connect with all people
hearing and singing a harmony

Hobbies - What hobbies does Coriander C Tindale have?

pulling pranks, goes too far a few times

Personality type - What personality type is Coriander C Tindale?


Motivations - What motivates Coriander C Tindale most?

revenge on the Hommolys for forcing him to work for them (his revenge is complete independence)

fears: being inferior

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Coriander C Tindale have?

messes with the Hommolys, their enemies, and everyone else
wears golden Oxfords all the time

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Coriander C Tindale’s favorite animal?


Occupation - What is Coriander C Tindale’s occupation?

works for Bones, but resents that he's her "messenger boy"

Favorite weapon - What is Coriander C Tindale’s favorite weapon?

a knife

info History
Education - What is Coriander C Tindale’s level of education?

Degree in business

Background - What is Coriander C Tindale’s background?

His family forced him to work for the Hommolys when he was a kid; grew up in their shadow
Came upon Wu's spaceship, which had washed up on a beach

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Abilities

teleport - both in space and time/to other dimensions, can take one person with him
if travels in time, can't change anything, just observe

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This character was created by Liz A S on

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