info Overview
Name - What is Ae' Zahena’s full name?

Ae' Zahena

Age - How old is Ae' Zahena?

Terran equivalent is 21

Gender - What is Ae' Zahena’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Ae' Zahena go by?


Role - What is Ae' Zahena’s role in your story?


accessibility_new Looks
Race - What is Ae' Zahena’s race?


Skin Tone

Sapphire blue

Body Type

Thin, but toned

Weight - How much does Ae' Zahena weigh?

195 lb.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ae' Zahena have?

Bioluminescent stripes that are a pale turquoise color

Linked Races

Height - How tall is Ae' Zahena?

7'3 ft.

Hair Color - What color is Ae' Zahena’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Ae' Zahena style their hair?

Pulls 'hair' back in to a half ponytail when working. Hair reaches down to her shoulder blades.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ae' Zahena have?


Eye Color - What is Ae' Zahena’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Ae' Zahena?

ISFJ-A. She is a calm, motherly being who lives on the joy she feels in helping others.
Leans toward ambivert a bit, but needs her alone time.
Quiet, a bit nervous, and respectful around authorities, quirky and more laid back among friends. She's rather naïve when it comes to how other worlds work outside her culture, so her beliefs clash with others sometimes.



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ae' Zahena have?

Tail tip twitches when thinking and taps the ground when worried, tail out right swings back and forth when frustrated and alarmed (also when excited).
Ears flick back against her head when frustrated or feeling threatened. Ears face forward when alert or excited.
Secondary eyes blink rapidly when thinking, flick from side to side when threatened. Mouth turns down when thinking.

Motivations - What motivates Ae' Zahena most?

Living in a communal society and as Shaezah-in-training on Kallyopi she has grown up with the beliefs of caring for all and trains to care for the bodies, souls, and minds of the clan.

Flaws - What flaws does Ae' Zahena have?

Her optimism makes her slightly delusional, she's too trusting, overly altruistic, overloads herself sometimes, bit of an idealist, somewhat squeamish (which isn't the best thing to be in her field of work), takes things too personally, has the persistent belief that everything can be fixed, over the top perfectionist.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ae' Zahena have?

Looks down a bit on those who don't believe there is a god.

Talents - What talents does Ae' Zahena have?

Herbalism, climbing, staying stone still, calming anxious patients.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ae' Zahena have?

Gardening, Climbing, meditating, helping Neku with his species encyclopedia.

groups Social
Languages spoken

Favorite weapon - What is Ae' Zahena’s favorite weapon?

Staff with a detachable blade.

Favorite food - What is Ae' Zahena’s favorite food?

Ooska Fruit

Favorite color - What is Ae' Zahena’s favorite color?

Golden Brown

Occupation - What is Ae' Zahena’s occupation?

Shaezah-in-training, eventually Doctor

Politics - What politics does Ae' Zahena have?

Moderate conservative, but is open to changes.
(I have no clue how to word that better)

Religion - What religion does Ae' Zahena practice?


info History
Background - What is Ae' Zahena’s background?

Spent all of her childhood on her home planet. Was training to be village Shaezah (doctor/spiritual healer), but was dreaming of being up in the stars. Her mother and the current Shaezah suggested that she apply herself instead to joining the Hyro Research Institution as a doctor, accompanying explorers and scientists on some expeditions, lest things take a turn for the worse.

Education - What is Ae' Zahena’s level of education?

Homeschooled by her family until she was about 13, then started training under the clan Shaezah. When other races contacted her world, she grew fascinated and trained in the medical field from age 15 - 21

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Shaezah is a type of doctor/priest on her home planet.

folder_open Extra
Hogwarts House

Hufflepuff (Could have been Ravenclaw)

What hand they use


Suffers from


Music taste

Traditional Kallyxian music

folder_open Clothing
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This character was created by Lavender Lynn on

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