info Overview
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folder_open Style

Dmitri tends to wear clothing that blends easily with nighttime surroundings, as he usually performs his missions at night. During the day he tends to wear more provocative clothing, which is something left over from his days on the streets of Province 69


He holds himself in a way that's almost authoritative, with his head high and shoulders back

Formal attire

When dressing for a formal event, Dmitri typically goes back to styles closer to the nineteenth to twenty-first centuries as inspiration for his clothing

Added/Artificial Attributes

Dmitri was given the option to add physical senses and blood into his body. He previously had sight and hearing, but is now equipped with taste, touch, and smell. He has a heart that beats, but it's artificially made and is kept in a small box of bulletproof glass inside his chest. He is not affected by blood loss. He also has one human eye, given to him by Rilyn after losing both of his mechanical video-recording eyes during a raid on a Provincial Leader's house. The other eye was eventually replaced with a mechanical one, as was Rilyn's.

folder_open Flaws
Weak Points

Dmitri can be shot in any area except his main hard drive, which is located in the center of his brain. However, should is brain be damaged, it would need to be repaired before rebooting Dmitri, otherwise he would shut down for good.


Dmitri is willing to do anything to protect his family and friends, but he would give his life for Rilyn without a second thought. If anyone wanted to have leverage against him, they'd need Rilyn


He's tempted by the idea of success, good food, sex, and a family with Rilyn. He's good at resisting the idea of most of them, but he has a hard time resisting Rilyn.

Mental Disorders

He's programmed not to have any, but he developed anxiety once he started a relationship with Rilyn, becoming worried about his health and safety in certain situations to an unhealthy or dangerous amount.

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This character was created by Jack on

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