info Overview
Name - What is Avril McWilliams’s full name?

Avril McWilliams

Other names - What other aliases does Avril McWilliams go by?


Role - What is Avril McWilliams’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Avril McWilliams?


Gender - What is Avril McWilliams’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Avril McWilliams style their hair?

Usually in a low, messy ponytail with strands on the sides in front of her ears. A few small strands and usually hanging out in other random places, too.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Avril McWilliams have?

She has one small freckle on the left side of her chin. She has a straight scar on her left arm from being cut by a knife.

Body Type

She's rather fit, with muscles shown when she's not covering her skin. This is mostly due to training for the military.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Avril McWilliams’s race?

80% Caucasian, 20% Asian

Eye Color - What is Avril McWilliams’s eye color?

Dark Blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Avril McWilliams have?


Weight - How much does Avril McWilliams weigh?

155 lbs

Height - How tall is Avril McWilliams?


Hair Color - What color is Avril McWilliams’s hair?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Avril McWilliams have?

She tends to bite on things, be it a toothpick, hoodie string, fingernail, pencil, or pretty much any other thing that's around.
She doesn't act too lady-like. She lays back or slouches when she sits and has other habits a guy would have.
A bad habit of hers is that she smokes when she's stressed.

Motivations - What motivates Avril McWilliams most?

Protecting her friends, doing good, and showing that women can be tough, too.

Flaws - What flaws does Avril McWilliams have?

She tries not to get too close with people in fear that her dad would do something to harm them. She's also almost too selfless and isn't very cautious.

Talents - What talents does Avril McWilliams have?

She can play guitar a bit, but her talents mostly revolve around fighting skills and using weapons and being resourceful.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Avril McWilliams have?

She plays a bit of guitar when she's bored.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Avril McWilliams’s favorite animal?

German Sheppard

Favorite weapon - What is Avril McWilliams’s favorite weapon?


Favorite food - What is Avril McWilliams’s favorite food?

Burgers and fries.

Occupation - What is Avril McWilliams’s occupation?

Army and secret fighting matches.

Politics - What politics does Avril McWilliams have?

She hates politics and could really care less about them.

Religion - What religion does Avril McWilliams practice?

Christian, but she's not very religious.

info History
Birthday - When is Avril McWilliams’s birthday?

I dunno, but she's a Virgo.

Background - What is Avril McWilliams’s background?

Oh boy, that's quite a long story. I'll type it up later.

Education - What is Avril McWilliams’s level of education?

Bachelor's Degree in College

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Avril McWilliams have?

Marshall, a German Sheppard

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Extra Family
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Avril McWilliams

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