info Overview
Name - What is Arielle Sanchez’s full name?

Arielle Sanchez

Role - What is Arielle Sanchez’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Arielle Sanchez go by?

Ari is the only nickname he's actually enjoyed, but he introduces himself as Arielle (ar-e-elle not air-e-elle. He's not a mermaid kids.). His friends call him shit-head or idiot often, and he's not a big fan of those ones.

Gender - What is Arielle Sanchez’s gender?


Age - How old is Arielle Sanchez?


face Looks
Body Type

Lithe, but with quite a bit of muscle. With baggy clothes on he just looks like a noodle... and he usually just wears baggy clothes, so he's a noodle boy.

Skin Tone

Deep tan

Race - What is Arielle Sanchez’s race?


Eye Color - What is Arielle Sanchez’s eye color?

Sapphire blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Arielle Sanchez have?


Hair Style - How does Arielle Sanchez style their hair?

He keeps it swooshed over and up to the right side

Hair Color - What color is Arielle Sanchez’s hair?

Medium brown

Height - How tall is Arielle Sanchez?


Weight - How much does Arielle Sanchez weigh?

191 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Arielle Sanchez have?

Three marks by the left side of his lips, really remarkable eyes, huge hands and feet. I mean huge.

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Arielle Sanchez have?

He's a really good point guard in basketball, he used to be an amazing quarterback, he can touch his tongue to his nose, he knows how to throw a pretty damn good punch

Prejudices - What prejudices does Arielle Sanchez have?

Bullies will always be bullies no matter what and people who play football are always assholes

Flaws - What flaws does Arielle Sanchez have?

Too brash and impulsive, he doesn't look before he leaps, a bit too angry and a bit too much of a thrill seeker. He also has little to no filter

Hobbies - What hobbies does Arielle Sanchez have?

Playing basketball, sewing, driving around town, fighting people, wanting to go and bury himself alive

Personality type - What personality type is Arielle Sanchez?

Arielle is kind. He's polite and comforting... until you get him upset. Then you learn that he needs to learn how to control his foul mouth and anger. Ari has some issues that he's not keen on ever admitting to anyone unless you catch him in a tough spot and show you really care. You can find that Ari struggles with depression pretty severely as well as anger management. The boy is a lover and a fighter all at the same time. He's very sweet to people he likes, but if he dislikes you, oh boy, get ready to rumble

Motivations - What motivates Arielle Sanchez most?

He's lazy until someone pushes him or his friends around, then he is very motivated to kick some ass. The prospect of being the best possible version of himself is another motivation, and finally getting to the top of the school's hierarchy, because he wants anarchy.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Arielle Sanchez have?

Taps his foot whenever sitting down, has a tendency to look like he's glaring, makes popping noises when bored, picks at his acne, twists his earrings when stressed

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Arielle Sanchez’s favorite possession?

He has a stuffed giraffe that's name is Benny that he got when he was 5 and in the hospital with leukemia.

Religion - What religion does Arielle Sanchez practice?

His parents are Christian, so he was forced to go to church every Sunday until he moved in with his brother

Politics - What politics does Arielle Sanchez have?

It's kind of like "the government needs to fix racism and everything will be okay"

Occupation - What is Arielle Sanchez’s occupation?

He's a waiter at a burger joint

Favorite color - What is Arielle Sanchez’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Arielle Sanchez’s favorite food?

He likes carnitas a lot. Especially when Milo makes them

Favorite weapon - What is Arielle Sanchez’s favorite weapon?

Ari has a tendency to use a pistol or rifle, but keeps brass knuckles on him in case of hand to hand combat. (most weapons are legalized in the universe because the government is too busy trying to get everybody a virtuosity see notes)

Favorite animal - What is Arielle Sanchez’s favorite animal?

He enjoys red pandas because they're cute and lovely to look at

info History
Education - What is Arielle Sanchez’s level of education?

He's a Junior in high school at the moment

Birthday - When is Arielle Sanchez’s birthday?

May 13th

Background - What is Arielle Sanchez’s background?

Arielle's childhood was spent in different hospitals fighting cancer. He developed a pretty severe case of leukemia when he was four, and it stayed with him until he turned 10, when he finally beat it. Up to that point, Arielle hadn't spent much time with many kids other than the patients in the hospital and his parent's friends kids. He loved his friends at the hospital, but the other kids would often call him gross or mean. He developed a hatred about being around these people, and would often throw toys at them whenever the were rude. He was forced away from his friends in the hospital after he got better, but continued seeing them until all the people he knew either passed away or were doing ok. He still occasionally visits to cheer up the kids still there.

To catch him up with school, he stayed home schooled for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, where he was extremely lonely because he had no idea how to relate to others his age. Ari then was released into the world for high school. During the fourth day, his brother Milo came to pick him up. He told Ari that mom had kicked him out of the house for being gay. Arielle freaked out, because 1. he was crushing on a boy at the moment 2. He couldn't survive without Milo at home, for the elder was always a anchor in his life and 3. he thought his parents were the best people in the world despite always treating Ari like glass. You see, Ari's parents were a little overbearing. Maybe more than just a little. Ari always knew they meant well, despite constantly fighting them. Often Milo was the one to pull him out of fights with his parents. Ari wasn't really aware of their dislike of homosexuals. Of course he had heard them complaining when he was little, but didn't know what they were talking about.

Arielle begged Milo to go with him, Milo said sure, so that night the two got into their bank accounts, changed the passwords, and got out a bunch of cash, which they used to buy an apartment on the edge of the city. It's cramped and not in a good area, but Arielle thinks that it's the best. Later that year, Ari made it onto the football team at his school. The fifteen year old was good, but too lanky with no visible muscle. He was often pushed around in the locker rooms and treated like shit. He tolerated it until the end of the year before he got fed up. One day he tripped the captain, grabbed his arm at an awkward angle and broke it over one of the benches in the locker room. He was expelled for that stunt and now believes strongly that all football players are just assholes.

After that he moved to a new school two towns over, and since he had a 20 year old legal guardian, it was all very messy with the school board. His actual parents came in, cursed out Milo, and made sure that the captain's family didn't sue. They didn't and so Milo and Arielle moved to a new apartment, and Ari continued his school career with only a suspension (got into a fight, surprise surprise) to accompany him into junior year. He's completely quit football, and since has moved on to basket ball where his found no trouble making friends. It's quite a bit less physical than football, so Ari fouls a lot, but it's okay. It took him awhile to find buddies outside of sports, but near the end of sophomore year he met to boys named Miles and Avery who he clicked with right away. Junior year is going steady with Miles and Avery with him, and everything is going to stay normal. Or so he hopes.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Arielle Sanchez have?

He and Milo have a bunch of cacti if those count as pets

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

In his universe, there are things called Virtuosities. They are basically man made super powers. They're expensive to acquire, and often dangerous. fortunately for Ari, his families money was spent on cancer treatment for him instead of a acquirement procedure.

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