info Overview
Name - What is Joseph Edwards Stick’s full name?

Joseph Edwards Stick

Gender - What is Joseph Edwards Stick’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Joseph Edwards Stick go by?

commonly called Joe

Role - What is Joseph Edwards Stick’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Joseph Edwards Stick?

Varies depending on time in story

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Joseph Edwards Stick style their hair?


Hair Color - What color is Joseph Edwards Stick’s hair?


Height - How tall is Joseph Edwards Stick?

5 foot 11 inches

Weight - How much does Joseph Edwards Stick weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Joseph Edwards Stick have?

Bird-like wings on back

Skin Tone

warm skin tone

Race - What is Joseph Edwards Stick’s race?

Part human, part Lunar

Eye Color - What is Joseph Edwards Stick’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Joseph Edwards Stick have?


fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Joseph Edwards Stick have?

has a small passion for spells, and a passion for the past and human history.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Joseph Edwards Stick have?

Usually appears calm on the outside, even when he's not on the inside

Motivations - What motivates Joseph Edwards Stick most?

knowing that what he's doing is right and will help someone, somehow or sometime

Flaws - What flaws does Joseph Edwards Stick have?

Will drop everything to try and save another life, but can't KEEP people safe, no matter how hard he tries. Sometimes breaks down when reminded of lost memories or past mistakes. Focuses too much on his morals and if he did the right thing.

Talents - What talents does Joseph Edwards Stick have?

has learned to maintain and control his powers, and manipulate fire. Really good at flying with his wings. Great at skiing.

Personality type - What personality type is Joseph Edwards Stick?

has an "average" personality, or what most people would call an average personality.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Joseph Edwards Stick’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is Joseph Edwards Stick’s favorite animal?

Blue Whale

Favorite weapon - What is Joseph Edwards Stick’s favorite weapon?

His powers, although he doesn't like calling them a weapon

Favorite possession - What is Joseph Edwards Stick’s favorite possession?

A enchanted moonstone amulet given to him by his real mother, but he doesn't learn that until after the events of DSR-1

Favorite food - What is Joseph Edwards Stick’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Joseph Edwards Stick’s occupation?

research scientist

Politics - What politics does Joseph Edwards Stick have?

He's a Republican

Religion - What religion does Joseph Edwards Stick practice?

Doesn't have a set religion, but is aware of and knows about the greater powers that exists.

info History
Birthday - When is Joseph Edwards Stick’s birthday?

July 21, 900X

Education - What is Joseph Edwards Stick’s level of education?

pretty knowledgeable when it comes to history

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Powers
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Has mostly Inferno Tribe powers. He can create fire from his hands, and can throw it as a projectile. He can warm up himself or something else to extreme temperatures by touching it. He cannot be negatively affected by fire, and being near or in fire enhances his powers. He also has some amount of Lunar Tribe powers, but greatly weakened, so he can produce small amounts of different emotions through physical contact.

Type of power

Inferno Tribe/Lunar Tribe

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This character was created by Quinn on

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