info Overview
Name - What is Rowan’s full name?


Role - What is Rowan’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Rowan go by?


Gender - What is Rowan’s gender?

Nonbinary. Due to being a type of shapeshifter, they have a bit more control over their body than most. They are afab, and for them puberty just kind of... didn't happen, so they have no defining sex characteristics. They did this unconsciously, because when they were growing up they didn't know/care how magic works. The concept of magic was introduced when they were around 14.

Age - How old is Rowan?

17-19, I'm not sure yet.

face Looks
Body Type

A bit heavyset.

Skin Tone

Medium-dark Brown with warm undertones. They have freckles.

Race - What is Rowan’s race?


Eye Color - What is Rowan’s eye color?

Right is electric blue, and left is deep purple. People's eye color changes depending on their skill in different types of magic, so it isn't uncommon to have strange, or multiple eye colors.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Rowan have?


Hair Style - How does Rowan style their hair?

Short and messy.

Hair Color - What color is Rowan’s hair?

Off-white. A werewolf's hair is usually the same/ similar to the wolf form. There's a picture of them as a wolf in the gallery.

Height - How tall is Rowan?


Weight - How much does Rowan weigh?

140 lb

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Rowan have?

A lightning scar(like from being struck by lightning, not shaped like it) on the upper part of their right arm.

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Rowan have?


Prejudices - What prejudices does Rowan have?

Against nonhuman races, which is kind of contradictory, since they're nonhuman.

Flaws - What flaws does Rowan have?

They are impulsive, and talk without thinking. They are very blunt. Despite all that, they have trouble disputing someone who is very passionate, and set on a specific idea. This isn't a conscious thought, but it's like, 'Well I don't feel like that about anything, so they must be right.' They bottle up negative emotions.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Rowan have?

Drawing, card games, and checkers. They try writing sometimes. Attempted, and horrifically failed at learning several different instruments.

Personality type - What personality type is Rowan?

They are loud, and generally cheerful, and sarcastic. They tend to hide any negative emotions, and their own problems, as they don't want to burden those around them with unneeded problems. They feel selfish and rude if they do.

Motivations - What motivates Rowan most?

Trying to get over prejudices against other races that were ingrained in them since they were little. Finding out the truth behind the conflicting political and social opinions they have been told, and forming a complete set of morals and worldviews they can stand behind.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Rowan have?

Running a hand through their hair, laughing when nervous or scared, tapping their foot, avoiding eye contact.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Rowan’s favorite possession?

A small wooden dragon carving a childhood friend gave them.

Religion - What religion does Rowan practice?


Politics - What politics does Rowan have?

Still figuring it out, but leaning toward liberal.

Occupation - What is Rowan’s occupation?

They were a soldier, and now they don't really have one. Just kinda living in the woods with friends I guess. There's a lot of traveling in my story.

Favorite color - What is Rowan’s favorite color?

Dark green, like pine trees.

Favorite food - What is Rowan’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Rowan’s favorite weapon?

They'd rather not fight, but if they have to it'd be as a wolf, or with a short sword.

Favorite animal - What is Rowan’s favorite animal?

Don't have a preference.

info History
Education - What is Rowan’s level of education?

Average for a medieval fantasy setting. A bit more emphasis on reading and writing.

Birthday - When is Rowan’s birthday?

Late April, or early May?

Background - What is Rowan’s background?

A lot of the story takes place in 2 different countries which I haven't named yet, so I'll be calling them Country A and Country B in this. Country A is full of magic, and 12 different intelligent races, not including the dragons. Country B has less magic, and as a result is a bit more technologically advanced. If you had magic, why bother with machines, when magic works faster, and better? Country B is in a kind of colonial age; they are branching out and exploring. A person who I haven't named yet finds country A. They are fascinated by the magic, but disgusted by the culture. They feel country B could better utilize the magic. They try to learn it, and learn a little, but they aren't great at their chosen type. (There are 12 different types of magic.) They are annoyed at this. At some point after this they encounter a dragon, and are awed at its strength in magic. Magic comes from a dimension of pure energy, and to use magic you channel it through you. You act kind of like a door. If you try to use magic that is too strong, or use too much at once, you are torn apart, like an old wooden door trying to control a flood. Dragons are better at this than most, due to some organ, or their blood, or something. The person from Country B realized this, and wanted to exploit it. They got together a group of people and went and killed a dragon, and dissected it for the thing. They wanted to see if they could somehow fuse it with people to boost their magic capabilities, but the didn't want to test it on Country B people. They feared that Country B people weren't attuned to magic enough and it would hurt them, so they went and stole a bunch of babies from the various magical races to test it out on first, and then they would modify it so it worked on Country B people. In reality, anyone can learn magic as well as Country A people, but Country A people are around it their whole lives, and there are little energy leaks everywhere, so their bodies become more acustomed to it. With a few years anyone could do this to, but the Country B person assumed it was genetic. One of the kids the Country B person took was Rowan. They got part of the thing from a storm dragon, so they have storm magic as well as their natural shadow magic. However, this magic is highly unstable, and will hurt them if they use it, so it's basically useless. That's where the scar on their upper right arm came from. They were raised by some Country B people, away from where the other Country A people were. At this time Country B was invading Country A. It wasn't a full-scale invasion, they were trying to colonize it, and were getting into conflict with the 12 native peoples. The Country B person wanted to see how well the altered magic worked in combat, so he sent Rowan to fight with the Country A people, watched, of course. Rowan, since they were raised in Country B, holds the same prejudices against the magical races as the Country B person does. At first they are fine with it, happy to explore the mysterious new land. But the Country A people were more resistant to this than they expected. Rowan had originally just thought of them as some particualarly interesting animals. After seeing, and fighting more of them, and some particularly violent moments, Rowan starts to feel bad, and deserts. They encounter the two other main characters, who are native to Country A, and this is where the story begins.

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edit Notes

This character was created by Jordan on

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