info Overview
Name - What is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s full name?

Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill

Other names - What other aliases does Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill go by?

Ci, Ciar, Ciara (just for the craic), ya buck eejit, unrepentant Fenian bastard

Role - What is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s role in your story?

Main character in ensemble cast

Age - How old is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill?

20 c. 2015

Gender - What is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s gender?

Cis man, but he's said that even though he identifies as a cishet male gender isn't particularly relevant to him as there's such a wide , fluid and nuanced range of identities and expressions.

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill style their hair?

Very thick and straight, grown to mid-back. Slicked back in a ponytail (with the help of extra-strong gel) or styled in various eclectic configurations, which can sometimes get very complex! However, it must be noted that he'd rather shave his head than ever have to wear his hair in a manbun.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill have?

He used to have a small tattoo near his wrist bearing the harp of Ireland superimposed over the island itself

Body Type

Lean, tall and muscular. Long-limbed, with a notably narrow, sinuous, rather feminine waist, and shoulders just the perfect width to snugly cradle a girl's chin.

Skin Tone

Albino-fair and generously freckled, ruddy cheeks

Race - What is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s race?


Eye Color - What is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s eye color?

Vivid grass-green, the colour of the grass in Ireland. The immediate sense impression of looking into his eyes is described by Iain as like ''faceplanting into a field fresh and glistening with dew''

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill have?

Unable to grow substantial facial hair, for some mysterious reason (implied to be eternal youthfulness and the concordant stunting of physical maturity.)

Height - How tall is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill?

6'7 ~201cm

Hair Color - What color is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s hair?

A black so dark that it appears to actually absorb light instead of reflecting it. Descriptions by other characters:
"Eschewing with standard conventions of divine regalia, this god was crowned with a black hole instead of a halo"
''He turned to leave, sweeping his unbound hair over his back as he walked away. It rippled out behind him in a sluggish Stygian tide, tributary tendrils spreading out in its wake like fissures in the fabric of spacetime.''

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill have?

Vintage tractor aficionado. Sleeping, eating, 6-day benders, freestyle hurling, vlogging, gaming (he's a PC gamer, fond of fantasy RPGs and intelligent horror games), FIFA with the lads, chewing bubblegum, collecting festival wristbands, rude/kitschy souvenir magnets, useless fidgets/small toys, indigenous/unusual jewelry, and an interminable assortment of parkas in eye-catching colours. Republican memes, controversial tweets, reading random Wikipedia articles and making uncalled-for drunk edits, ancient history, paperclip sculpture, singing in the shower, pranking Cian, travelling, playing with his dog, reading bad Harry Potter fanfiction, supernatural and post-apocalyptic anime, making innovative makeshift balaclavas (N̶o̶r̶t̶h̶e̶r̶n̶ Irish superpower), speaking to the Gardaí/
R̶U̶C̶ PSNI in Irish, activist work: Irish-language rights, indigenous rights, feminism, LGBTQ+, disabled rights.


ADHD, dyslexia, extremely sensitive skin (to the point he often has to use products meant for babies, leading him to be coined the "baby of the group.")

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill have?

No matter when or where, he will always be chewing gum. He claims it helps him think, even on the field, to the point where he will stop mid-game to hastily shove more sticks of gum into his mouth while screaming "I'M THINKING MATE!" Unabashedly profane and very, very loud. Screams "YEEEOOOO" at things he likes (only in Norn Iron.) Proud of his unique and unintelligible accent- half Donegal Gaeltacht, half working-class Catholic Belfast, laced with slang, tinted with Gaeilge. Dirty mind. Bad handwriting- he's dyslexic, and he's learned to write in Ogham, an ancient Irish script. Paces and clicks his tongue when anxious, wakes up at 2am for snacks, cannot live without at least 5 orange Lucozades per day, which only makes him more hyperactive. EXTREMELY profane and rather avant-garde sense of humour. Over-talkative, king of bad puns as Gaeilge. Frequently interrupts, and always has to use the bathroom at the most inconvenient moments. Hopeless with women and despairs of his chronic fridginity (the closest he ever came to getting the shift was when he was 15 at the legendary Donnybrook establishment "Wezz"; he met the girl and thanks to a potent combination of a ridiculous number of smuggled cans and teenage anxiety, threw up. Though the general consensus is that he is a big ride he was too traumatised to ever try again.) Types in all caps. He sleeps on his stomach in his underwear, is a chronic snorer, and probably drools.

Motivations - What motivates Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill most?

Struggling with his Irish identity. He's always wanted to win the All-Ireland Hurling Championships.

Flaws - What flaws does Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill have?

Recklessly impulsive, impatient, arrogant, and flighty. Never listens, doesn't care, treats everything like a game. Severe ADHD. Cares a little too much about his family and his country

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill have?

He generally hates all the paramilitary groups (and homophobes, thanks to the tragedy of his half-brother Brian)

Talents - What talents does Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill have?

He had quite an internet presence back in the day and made the top 25 before he died, earning the title "The High King of Irish YouTube." His channel simply goes by "Ciarán". He is a hurling GOD. Also an all-around star athlete. Supreme Memelord of the Irish internet. Bataireachd. Will pwn you in a drinking contest. Has good taste in whiskey. Always sees the "big picture" when everyone else is too detail-oriented.

Personality type - What personality type is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill?

Extrovert, extremely energetic, hyperactive, loyal, enthusiastic, quick-witted, optimistic, and great craic especially after he's had a few pints.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s favorite color?

The tricolour (white, orange, and especially green.) Also, gold.

Favorite animal - What is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s favorite weapon?

A hurling stick, heavy and/or liberally spiked boots, and his beringed knuckles.

Favorite possession - What is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s favorite possession?

His late uncle Aodh's hurley

Favorite food - What is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s favorite food?

His sister Siún's fry up, Northern Irish Tayto, and anything pickled. As a hangover cure: chips with brown sauce, a bunch of grapes, and a bottle of Diet Coke or orange Lucozade. For some reason, he hates bananas but adores banana flavoured Football Special (a local Donegal delicacy, and widely agreed to be the connoisseur's choice of Irish soft drinks).

Occupation - What is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s occupation?

Used to be a dual-sport player

Politics - What politics does Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill have?

Conflicting. Being the son of the literal goddess of Ireland (Eriu,) he represents the island and it's people, and thus does not see the borders between Norn and the Republic.

Religion - What religion does Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill practice?

A self-described "diet Catholic"

Job - What job does Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill have?

He's actually pretty smart- he does Celtic studies and will major in anthropology. He currently attends Queen's University, Belfast after first being admitted to Trinity College, Dublin.

info History
Birthday - When is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s birthday?

October 30 1995
Deireadh Fómhair 30 1995

Background - What is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s background?

Born in Lifford, County Donegal and named after a rebel prince, Ciarán was born into one of the most prominent families in Irish history, also having lost many family members due to ongoing conflicts. Spending most of his early life in Donegal, then West Side Belfast with his five half-siblings, he witnessed firsthand the horrors of the Troubles- he was present in the vicinity of the Omagh bomb, his brother Cian was glassed in a violent hate crime, and his eldest brother, Brian, infamously disappeared on the night of July 11. A closeted bisexual, Brian was deeply in love with a Protestant boy named Matthew Leeds, whose half-English father was MP for East Belfast. At some point in the mid-90s Brian contracted HIV. As his condition got worse he made the decision to seek treatment in a friendlier environment. He sent a letter to On the road to becoming one of the GAA's biggest rising stars as midfield #9 for County Donegal, he died trying to disable an paramilitary bomb, fully aware of the risks- never fulfilling his dream of winning the All-Ireland Hurling Championships.

Education - What is Ciarán Aodh Ó Domhnaill’s level of education?

High-level education (UK and Irish)

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history Changelog
edit Notes

He's a PC gamer; his favourites are first-person shooters, fantasy RPGs, and survival horror games.

The Irish and their relatives in Scotland and to a lesser extent Wales have a distinct "look" thanks to a specific admixture of peoples and is most prominent in rural areas due to relative isolation. If you want an example of the stark differences in appearance that may arise, simply take a walk through Belfast and watch people's faces change through adjacent Catholic (mainly ethnic-Irish) and Protestant neighbourhood

He's the one who usually gets everyone else into trouble. "It'll be good craic!" It's never good craic.

You can find him @ciaráno on Twitter

His fashion sense is pretty simple and usually doesn't stray away from the go-to blue jeans, jersey, and windbreaker

He has the worst 70s/80s playlist you've ever heard, and loves to blast Iron Maiden at 3AM.

YES he has guest starred on both the Late Late and Ros na Rún. He has a long-running lve affair with Star Wars, loves sad war movies, and his favourite show is, not surprisingly, South Park.

Even as a child, Ciarán always felt a little pressured by the expectations of his family, who presumed him to be the next big thing in the GAA. He always feels like he's supposed to be something he isn't. Being his mother's son, he was always caring and compassionate, certain events even moving him to tears. He felt the weight of the country on his shoulders, often seeing visions of people he didn't recognise or people smiling at him whom his friends didn't see, even at times feeling physical pain. The more recent the event, the clearer he could see it. As a child, he refused to go to Dublin, constantly haunted by the gunshots and screams coming from Kilmainham Gaol.

He often got caught up in the Unionist/Republican conflict, not wishing to take any part but having to do something to stabilise the situation. He is always concerned about representing the country, versus the island, of Ireland.

Eventually, despite his optimistic outlook, he was driven to do something, however small, to ease the situation in Belfast. Though he'd tried to ignore it, the pressure began to torment him. He went around deactivating bombs where he could find them, but was perfectly aware that a few of his teammates were members of the IRA, and even overheard them discussing plans for his murder.

His happy façade disguises a lot of the preuyre he feels.

He has a prosthetic leg and arm because of the fact that the practically looked like ground meat by the time Aengus arrived, so he just had to wait until Miach (younger Irish god of healing, twin brother to Airmed) was alive again (having been recently brained by his father.)

He gets hiccups frequently due to him talking so fast and loud- not particularly helpful in battle

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