info Overview
Name - What is Nova Jones (OLD)’s full name?

Nova Jones (OLD)

Gender - What is Nova Jones (OLD)’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Nova Jones (OLD) go by?

SuperNova, Professor

Role - What is Nova Jones (OLD)’s role in your story?

Main Character

Age - How old is Nova Jones (OLD)?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Nova Jones (OLD)’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Nova Jones (OLD) style their hair?

she has curly hair that falls just above her shoulders

Hair Color - What color is Nova Jones (OLD)’s hair?

It's a dark brown

Height - How tall is Nova Jones (OLD)?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Nova Jones (OLD) have?

Confidence and an upfront business look.

Body Type

chubby with wide hips and broader shoulders

Weight - How much does Nova Jones (OLD) weigh?

around 160-175

Skin Tone

see gallery for what I envision her to look like (minus the hair)

Race - What is Nova Jones (OLD)’s race?

African American

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Nova Jones (OLD) have?

Nova is an exceptionally quick thinker, she can solve math equations very quickly (due to her occupation) and she can make snappy decisions.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Nova Jones (OLD) have?

Whenever she gets nervous/bored she makes excessive noise (Ex: tapping fingers, rubbing hands together, making clicking noises, humming, etc). When she gets scared, her first instinct is always grab whatever is behind her (It's just her instinct, there's nothing that triggered this)

Motivations - What motivates Nova Jones (OLD) most?

Nova really wants to get by in life and even make her life a good one. she has this need to change the world or the majority of the people in it to be happier people.

Flaws - What flaws does Nova Jones (OLD) have?

she's timid around new people, and warms up to people quickly even if they don't warm up to her. she often creates awkward one sided situations without realizing it. She also hates making people upset as her main goal in life is to help others become happy and love themselves.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Nova Jones (OLD) have?

Nova thinks that people should be accepted and not judged by their identities. She also feels very strongly that people should do what makes them happy.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Nova Jones (OLD) have?

She loves trivia, she also enjoys painting nails.

Personality type - What personality type is Nova Jones (OLD)?

She's intelligent and a quick thinker. Nova is also very witty and quite sassy at times. She can outsmart most people, and she probably has the most common sense out of herself, Raziel, and Apollo

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Nova Jones (OLD)’s favorite color?

Nova really likes purple

Favorite animal - What is Nova Jones (OLD)’s favorite animal?

She really loves Crows.

Favorite weapon - What is Nova Jones (OLD)’s favorite weapon?

Although knives fascinate her, she would rather keep her distance with a gun. She doesn't like close combat, she likes to know that her back is covered and if that means keeping her distance she would be glad to do it.

Favorite possession - What is Nova Jones (OLD)’s favorite possession?

A stuffed animal she's had since before she could remember, and on nights where she can't fall asleep, she'll sneak it into her bed and cry into it until she gets too tired to keep her eyes open.

Favorite food - What is Nova Jones (OLD)’s favorite food?

Cheeseburgers ("lettuce, ketchup, and mustard, extra fries, the only way to go" -Nova)

Occupation - What is Nova Jones (OLD)’s occupation?

Nova is a math teacher in Oklahoma. She enjoys the tranquility there.

Politics - What politics does Nova Jones (OLD) have?

Nova thinks that there should be order and rules, but she also thinks that there should be enough freedom for people to do what they want to.

Religion - What religion does Nova Jones (OLD) practice?

Nova had a Christian upbringing, and she is still apart of that religion

info History
Birthday - When is Nova Jones (OLD)’s birthday?


Background - What is Nova Jones (OLD)’s background?

Nova grew up in a nice family: mother, father, and she's in the middle of an older brother and little sister. She spent her Sunday mornings watching cartoons and then spent the rest of the day with friends. She was always a good student, listened to her mother's advice, practically copied her father's wit, always getting into fights with her siblings, but equally having fun with them. In high school she had lots of toxic friendships that led to her becoming depressed and her self esteem dropping. She was always trying to lift someone up by putting herself down. In college, she realized that she wasn't going anywhere with low confidence, and she should love herself the way she is. She also wants to be a teacher so she can inspire kids to love themselves and also to spread the love of math, something that she absolutely loves. In her 9th year of teaching, Nova decided to go on a road trip because she was getting too stressed with work. She was on her way to a hotel, and she met someone particularly peculiar. Her name was Raziel, a weird name to fit a weird person. In her hands was a warm cup of tea, under her eyes were deep bags. Nova decided to strike up a conversation with her. It all went downhill from there.

Education - What is Nova Jones (OLD)’s level of education?

She's gone to college to be a math teacher.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Nova Jones (OLD) have?

She has a German Shepherd named Coda. He's a laid back dog; a really big cuddler.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open bad things that have happened to her
folder_open additional character stuff
Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Nova Jones (OLD)

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Nova Jones (OLD)

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This character was created by raziel gallephraya on

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