info Overview
Name - What is Zivote Cintia’s full name?

Zivote Cintia

Other names - What other aliases does Zivote Cintia go by?

The Animated

Role - What is Zivote Cintia’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Zivote Cintia?

800 Sweeps

Gender - What is Zivote Cintia’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Zivote Cintia have?

None, a bit of chin stubble when he forgets to shave

Hair Style - How does Zivote Cintia style their hair?

Fluffy at the top and a bit tangled at the bottom; Typically done in a pony tail

Hair Color - What color is Zivote Cintia’s hair?

Black, tinted green a bit

Height - How tall is Zivote Cintia?


Weight - How much does Zivote Cintia weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Zivote Cintia have?

Scar over right eye, scars all along arms and across chest

Body Type

Muscular, heavily trained in the field of combat

Skin Tone


Race - What is Zivote Cintia’s race?


Eye Color - What is Zivote Cintia’s eye color?

Lime green; yellow sclera

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Zivote Cintia have?

Typically quiet, but leader-like if he wants to be

Motivations - What motivates Zivote Cintia most?

Love interest and the concern for the young of his species

Flaws - What flaws does Zivote Cintia have?

Love, desperation and fear of the empress

Talents - What talents does Zivote Cintia have?

Ability to revive the dead and heal the wounded

Hobbies - What hobbies does Zivote Cintia have?

Folding paper stars, Being with his moirail,

Personality type - What personality type is Zivote Cintia?

Quiet but stern

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Zivote Cintia’s favorite food?

Citrus, anything citrus, or vinegar

Favorite weapon - What is Zivote Cintia’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Zivote Cintia’s favorite possession?

Jewled knife hidden in bandages around right hand

Favorite color - What is Zivote Cintia’s favorite color?

Lime green

Occupation - What is Zivote Cintia’s occupation?

Threshecutioner branch leader

Favorite animal - What is Zivote Cintia’s favorite animal?

Milk Snakes

info History
Education - What is Zivote Cintia’s level of education?

Well educated in combat and slaughter

Background - What is Zivote Cintia’s background?

Limeblood who lived through the obliteration of his caste and lived to the length of the empress through her blessing and served for as longa s he lived

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Zivote Cintia have?

Giant Milk Snake

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked Zivote Cintia

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Zivote Cintia

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