info Overview
Name - What is Colton Norcross’s full name?

Colton Norcross

Age - How old is Colton Norcross?


Gender - What is Colton Norcross’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Colton Norcross go by?

Apprentice Norcross

Role - What is Colton Norcross’s role in your story?

Main Character

face Looks
Race - What is Colton Norcross’s race?


Weight - How much does Colton Norcross weigh?

170 lbs

Height - How tall is Colton Norcross?


Hair Color - What color is Colton Norcross’s hair?

light brown

Hair Style - How does Colton Norcross style their hair?

short in back, but longer in front, sweeping across the front

Eye Color - What is Colton Norcross’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type


fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Colton Norcross have?

Can get easily annoyed by those who do rush into things or don't heed his warnings of the future

Motivations - What motivates Colton Norcross most?

He wants to impress Seer Rolf and wants to further his gift.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Colton Norcross have?

Lets Hori run up and down his arms/shoulders when he's just hanging around or thinking.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Colton Norcross have?

Practicing his gift, hunting

Personality type - What personality type is Colton Norcross?

He is a practical thinker and usually doesn't rush into things. Since he gets glimpses of the future, he takes the time to think it over and decide how best to approach it. He usually looks for the option that will keep everyone safe. His friends know him to be a stable and comforting presence.

Talents - What talents does Colton Norcross have?

Seer Gift

Prejudices - What prejudices does Colton Norcross have?

Distrust of Elves

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Colton Norcross have?

Loyal to the Royal ______ Family

Occupation - What is Colton Norcross’s occupation?

Seer Apprentice--will someday become the Court Seer

Favorite color - What is Colton Norcross’s favorite color?

Dark blues

Favorite animal - What is Colton Norcross’s favorite animal?

Horiborol Caelaes

Favorite weapon - What is Colton Norcross’s favorite weapon?

Bow and arrow

info History
Education - What is Colton Norcross’s level of education?

He went through the normal education that children go through and then became the apprentice of a seer.

Background - What is Colton Norcross’s background?

The family he was born to were fur traders. They lived in Deholn, far from Rostone. He grew up learning the trade of fur traders and going to school. The idea of killing only for necessity has stuck with him. A seer (Rolf) then stopped by their town and saw that he had the gift. He then became the seer's apprentice and lived in Rostone. He also got Hori once he moved there. There he trains and made friends with some nobles, since he is around them regularly.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Colton Norcross have?

Hori, a small gecko-like creature that helps keep him stable and calm during his visions

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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