info Overview
Name - What is Vival Mirkenwood’s full name?

Vival Mirkenwood

Gender - What is Vival Mirkenwood’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Vival Mirkenwood go by?

-The Hunter
-Demon Assassin
-Shadow arrow

Role - What is Vival Mirkenwood’s role in your story?

Main character

Age - How old is Vival Mirkenwood?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Vival Mirkenwood’s eye color?

One eye is bright purple the other is an opaque milky white, unless she is in demon form, then the dead eye is a smokey black

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Vival Mirkenwood have?


Hair Style - How does Vival Mirkenwood style their hair?

Put up when normal (Ponytail and/or bun), but let down when in demon form

Hair Color - What color is Vival Mirkenwood’s hair?

When normal it is a platinum blonde, but when in demon form it is blood red

Height - How tall is Vival Mirkenwood?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Vival Mirkenwood have?

The right half of her face is severely burned, along with her neck and shoulder. Also when she is in demon form she has a tattoo on her left eye.

Body Type

Very Athletic

Weight - How much does Vival Mirkenwood weigh?

125 lbs
(All muscle)

Skin Tone

light grey

Race - What is Vival Mirkenwood’s race?

Half demon/Half human

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Vival Mirkenwood have?


Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Vival Mirkenwood have?

When nervous:
-Taps fingers

Motivations - What motivates Vival Mirkenwood most?


Flaws - What flaws does Vival Mirkenwood have?

-Not self confident
-Pushes others away
-Quick to anger
-Pathological lair

Prejudices - What prejudices does Vival Mirkenwood have?

Constables (police peeps)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Vival Mirkenwood have?

Reading, fishing, and sparing

Personality type - What personality type is Vival Mirkenwood?

Generally shut off and angry, but deep down she cares about others and is scared to lose/hurt them

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Vival Mirkenwood’s favorite color?


Favorite animal - What is Vival Mirkenwood’s favorite animal?

Deer (she finds them calming)

Favorite weapon - What is Vival Mirkenwood’s favorite weapon?

Dark magic bow

Favorite possession - What is Vival Mirkenwood’s favorite possession?

Her father's jacket (obtained after her father died)

Favorite food - What is Vival Mirkenwood’s favorite food?

Fruit (peaches are first favorite but is not pickey)

Occupation - What is Vival Mirkenwood’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Vival Mirkenwood have?


Religion - What religion does Vival Mirkenwood practice?

Doesn't believe in any god

info History
Birthday - When is Vival Mirkenwood’s birthday?

Her birthday was in the fall (there is set increments of time yet)

Background - What is Vival Mirkenwood’s background?

Vival is a half human on her father's side and half demon on her mom's side. When Vival was born her mother realized the danger of the half-breed and left without saying goodbye. Her father, not knowing how to deal with magic, tried his best to help her in any way he could. This was not a problem until he realized that demons' magic is actually sentient and rely heavily on emotions. When she was 14 constables came to her house and were investigating some stolen goods and ended up getting physical with her father (causing her to get scared and release "The demon". In doing this she accidentally killed her father. Since then she has just been surviving off of being a bounty hunter/assassin (She is now 17). She was always been told she is a monster, and she believed it, seeing how many times she had caused harm to others accidentally. All of this lead her to believe that she was broken beyond repair, but that all changes when she meets Milo Ansong (another character who happens to be half angel/ half wizard).

Education - What is Vival Mirkenwood’s level of education?

Taught everything she knows by her dad until she was 14

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Vival Mirkenwood have?

Fish the cat
(meets later on in story while she is fishing to calm down)

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes


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This character was created by Cheyanne on

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