info Overview
Name - What is Enya Maria Fleming’s full name?

Enya Maria Fleming

Other names - What other aliases does Enya Maria Fleming go by?


Role - What is Enya Maria Fleming’s role in your story?

Priestess to Anifur, scientist; supporting character.

Age - How old is Enya Maria Fleming?


Gender - What is Enya Maria Fleming’s gender?


face Looks
Skin Tone

Natural golden olive

Height - How tall is Enya Maria Fleming?

Five foot five

Body Type

Relatively slender, with a pear frame; wide hips and legs with a small bust.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Enya Maria Fleming have?

Sloping shoulders/slouch, feet will sometimes turn inwards, blind in left eye (clouded)

Hair Color - What color is Enya Maria Fleming’s hair?

Golden blonde/brown

Hair Style - How does Enya Maria Fleming style their hair?

Deep left side part, thick, falls nearly to her elbows. Usually unstyled.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Enya Maria Fleming have?


Eye Color - What is Enya Maria Fleming’s eye color?

Soft brown with amber undertones; left eye is clouded

Race - What is Enya Maria Fleming’s race?


Weight - How much does Enya Maria Fleming weigh?

About 140 pounds

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Enya Maria Fleming most?

Scientific discovery, loyalty

Flaws - What flaws does Enya Maria Fleming have?

Prioritizes thoughts over emotions to an extreme extent, and thus will place her experiments over the safety/health of others, even her friends. Paranoid.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Enya Maria Fleming have?

Opposed to Newportians due to her Villien ancestry

Talents - What talents does Enya Maria Fleming have?

Self-taught in the science of magic, which she also essentially invented. Discovered the connection between sun magic and nuclear power. Excellent liar. Sufficient in battle, but not when it's hand-to-hand.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Enya Maria Fleming have?

Her work as a scientist, mostly. Enya also enjoys theater, although she can't see it much anymore. She used to act. She plays the flute to de-stress. Her music is generally improvised, with strange key signatures and haunting melodies.

Personality type - What personality type is Enya Maria Fleming?

Introverted. So, so introverted. Not a natural leader, although she is very commanding in her lab. Enya does better with poison than with people. When she gets excited, she begins to talk faster and often forgets about the person she's talking to. Very guarded. Especially defensive when people express skepticism in her work.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Enya Maria Fleming have?

Tends to ramble, often mumbles to herself, uses exaggerated hand gestures

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Enya Maria Fleming’s favorite possession?

A journal containing all of her formulas. She guards it with her life.

Religion - What religion does Enya Maria Fleming practice?

Ancient Myllirian

Politics - What politics does Enya Maria Fleming have?

Not partial, but generally has more liberal inclinations

Occupation - What is Enya Maria Fleming’s occupation?

Priestess to Anifur, scientist

Favorite color - What is Enya Maria Fleming’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Enya Maria Fleming’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Enya Maria Fleming’s favorite weapon?

Poison, magic

Favorite animal - What is Enya Maria Fleming’s favorite animal?


info History
Birthday - When is Enya Maria Fleming’s birthday?

August fifteenth

Background - What is Enya Maria Fleming’s background?

Enya was a Villien immigrant with an unshakeable accent and awkward posture. She was teased relentlessly, but found solace in her books and her closest friend, Alfonse, another immigrant. Her mother owned a bakery and expected Enya to take it over when she was old enough. However, Enya was interested in science. She'd read hundreds of books, but had never found the one thing that inspired her: the science of magic. People told her that science and magic didn't mix, which upset her. When Enya was nineteen, her mother tried to send her off to a small, local business school, where she would learn to manage the bakery. Enya refused and went to Alfonse, pouring out her worries and hopes. Alfonse offered to help her try some experiments--even offering to let her test on him. Enya agreed (after some convincing). She made one breakthrough right away: the juice of magasin leaves could be used to store magic in liquid form. She started working on a serum to enhance Alfonse's magic, but nothing was working. Two days before she was to go to the business school, Enya made a decision: she would attempt a serum that would remove magic. It would be a poison. She created the serum and tested it on Alfonse without his consent. Unlike the other serums, this one worked--but it was painful. Horrified at what she had done, Enya fled her hometown. She tried offering up prayers to apologize for what she had done, but she wasn't sorry anymore. The scientific breakthrough eclipsed her guilt. Having saved her journal of formulas, Enya headed for Amberfell. Halfway there, she met Lilith and was recruited to the Black Temple, where she could work in peace. There, she met Rubia di Mero, a medical miracle and Enya's love. When Yvette forced Rubia to use her magic once more, she went mad. Enya despised Yvette after the incident, but continued to be loyal for the sake of her research.

Education - What is Enya Maria Fleming’s level of education?

Through secondary school, then self-taught

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Enya Maria Fleming have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Unshakeable Villien accent (think French).

folder_open Custom Notes
Mental/Physical Issues

Trouble reciprocating emotions, severely one-track mind.


Nothing of note



Notable Facts

It was Enya's poison that later contributed to the monarchization of Middleton.

Discovered the link between sun magic and star-power (nuclear fusion and fission).

sports_kabaddi Relationships
Character chevron_right Children link linked Enya Maria Fleming

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