info Overview
Name - What is Aidyn Aster’s full name?

Aidyn Aster

Role - What is Aidyn Aster’s role in your story?

Main Character

Age - How old is Aidyn Aster?


Gender - What is Aidyn Aster’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Aidyn Aster style their hair?

Tousled look with hair sticking up in front

Hair Color - What color is Aidyn Aster’s hair?

Bright purplish/blue

Height - How tall is Aidyn Aster?

Five feet eleven inches

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Aidyn Aster have?


Weight - How much does Aidyn Aster weigh?

126 pounds

Eye Color - What is Aidyn Aster’s eye color?

Cobalt blue shot through with darker blue in left eye and dark chocolate with caramel in the other.

Race - What is Aidyn Aster’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Slim and athletic.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aidyn Aster have?

-High cheekbones
-Naturally pink lips
-Two piercings in left ear:

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Aidyn Aster?

-Keeps to himself
-Hates public speaking with all his heart

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Aidyn Aster have?

He comes across as sarcastic and at first glance he looks like someone to avoid, albeit a very handsome someone to avoid, but one you get to know him he is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet.

Motivations - What motivates Aidyn Aster most?

Cupcakes. I kid you not, whenever he was going through a particularly hard time, he would think about cupcakes to get his mind off of whatever what was happening at the time.

Flaws - What flaws does Aidyn Aster have?

-Has thin scars on his back from getting beat by his dad.
-Has anxiety
-Has depression
-Has verbal dyslexia

Talents - What talents does Aidyn Aster have?

-Sneaking around

Hobbies - What hobbies does Aidyn Aster have?

Reading, listening to music, and ice skating

groups Social
Occupation - What is Aidyn Aster’s occupation?

High school kid

Favorite color - What is Aidyn Aster’s favorite color?

Cobalt blue

Favorite food - What is Aidyn Aster’s favorite food?

Red velvet cupcakes with double icing and sprinkles

Favorite possession - What is Aidyn Aster’s favorite possession?

Left half of a silver heart necklace

Favorite weapon - What is Aidyn Aster’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Aidyn Aster’s favorite animal?


Religion - What religion does Aidyn Aster practice?


info History
Background - What is Aidyn Aster’s background?

Aidyn's dad sold Aidyn off as a slave for the first time when he was four. He got enough money from this to keep on buying his beer, so he would sell Aidyn off every night, and usually to two or three people in a night. In all the times that Aidyn wasn't gone, Aidyn's dad would scream at him about how he should be better. He would then proceed to punish him in some sort of way, either lashings with a belt, or getting locked out side, or something like that. He would constantly tell Aidyn that he wasn't good enough, and that he wasn't worth it. All the other students hated AIiyn at school the teachers thought he was stupid, and his dad hated him. That paired with staying at a different person's house each night did not help as you could probably guess. Aidyn developed severe depression by the time he was eleven and attempted to kill himself three times. Finally, Aidyn's dad through Aidyn when he was in a drunken haze. Aidyn roamed the streets for about a year until an older boy found him. He said that Aidyn looked like he could be a fighter and took him in to train him. Aidyn entered an illegal underground fighting club when he was 14 and slowly worked up his fame. He is currently 17 and is going to go to college next spring to study to become a English professor.

Birthday - When is Aidyn Aster’s birthday?

October, 13

Education - What is Aidyn Aster’s level of education?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Aidyn Aster have?

Maro-Wolf named Seraphi

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

He's asexual and biromantic

folder_open Nature II

This character was created by @NothingHappened871 on

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