info Overview
Name - What is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s full name?

Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)

Role - What is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s gender?


Age - How old is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)?


face Looks
Body Type

Muscular, but not overly

Skin Tone

Slightly tanned from spending most of his time outdoors

Race - What is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s race?

Elf, fayry

Eye Color - What is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s eye color?

Bright combination between blue and green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters) have?


Hair Style - How does Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters) style their hair?

Perfectly tousled, messy

Hair Color - What color is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s hair?


Height - How tall is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters) have?

Burn on the back of his neck from curse

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters) have?

Doesn't trust anyone of the other species, though it is easy to see why

Flaws - What flaws does Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters) have?

Her death still haunts him, and he fails to overcome it, tends to be headstrong and doesn't think too far ahead

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters) have?

Horseback riding, swordy things

Motivations - What motivates Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters) most?

Runa's death

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s favorite possession?

Runa's necklace that he took when she died

Occupation - What is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s occupation?

Prince, but didn't know it for the majority of his life. Didn't have a set one at Odesiri, but does a lot of work around the village, just whatever's needed

Favorite color - What is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s favorite color?

Loves the soft blue of the oceans and sky and the sharp green of the hills.

Favorite food - What is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s favorite weapon?

Curved double blades

Favorite animal - What is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s favorite animal?

His horse

info History
Education - What is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s level of education?

Taught traditionally until Sender's War and was sent to Odesiri, continued education there as was normal to the location

Birthday - When is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s birthday?

April 20

Background - What is Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)’s background?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters) have?

Had a horse back in Odesiri, but claims one of the elven ones as his own after a while

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Megan on

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