Jonathan Calore Ridinoi (Winters)
Muscular, but not overly
Slightly tanned from spending most of his time outdoors
Elf, fayry
Bright combination between blue and green
Perfectly tousled, messy
Burn on the back of his neck from curse
Doesn't trust anyone of the other species, though it is easy to see why
Her death still haunts him, and he fails to overcome it, tends to be headstrong and doesn't think too far ahead
Horseback riding, swordy things
Runa's death
Taught traditionally until Sender's War and was sent to Odesiri, continued education there as was normal to the location
April 20
Had a horse back in Odesiri, but claims one of the elven ones as his own after a while
Runa's necklace that he took when she died
Prince, but didn't know it for the majority of his life. Didn't have a set one at Odesiri, but does a lot of work around the village, just whatever's needed
Loves the soft blue of the oceans and sky and the sharp green of the hills.
Curved double blades
His horse