info Overview
Name - What is Immeril Casilltenirra’s full name?

Immeril Casilltenirra

Age - How old is Immeril Casilltenirra?

a tick above a hundred

Gender - What is Immeril Casilltenirra’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Immeril Casilltenirra go by?

Meril, Viscount

Role - What is Immeril Casilltenirra’s role in your story?


face Looks
Skin Tone


Height - How tall is Immeril Casilltenirra?


Hair Color - What color is Immeril Casilltenirra’s hair?

pale blonde

Hair Style - How does Immeril Casilltenirra style their hair?

shoulder-length and straight

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Immeril Casilltenirra have?


Eye Color - What is Immeril Casilltenirra’s eye color?

pale blue with flecks of gold

Race - What is Immeril Casilltenirra’s race?

High Elf

Body Type

tall and slender, almost gangly

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Immeril Casilltenirra have?

dresses well all the time

Flaws - What flaws does Immeril Casilltenirra have?

weak, sort of sleazy

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Immeril Casilltenirra’s favorite color?

deep purple

Occupation - What is Immeril Casilltenirra’s occupation?


Religion - What religion does Immeril Casilltenirra practice?

made a pact with a demon lord

info History
Background - What is Immeril Casilltenirra’s background?

Noble, rebelled against his parents by becoming a warlock

Education - What is Immeril Casilltenirra’s level of education?

very high.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Alex on

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