account_box Introduction
info Overview
Name - What is Peyton Ivetta Agathe’s full name?

Peyton Ivetta Agathe

Other names - What other aliases does Peyton Ivetta Agathe go by?

Past name: Cordelia Wilburn Starr
Present nickname: Eve

Gender - What is Peyton Ivetta Agathe’s gender?

Cis Female


They/Them; but will answer to She/Her to avoid confusion

Romantic Orientation/Sexuality


remove_red_eye Looks
announcement Anomaly
pan_tool Nature
groups Social
date_range History
Birthday - When is Peyton Ivetta Agathe’s birthday?

November 18th

fingerprint Family
edit Notes
business_center Inventory
headset Music
bookmark Quotes/Phrases
dns Some Fun and No-so-Fun Facts
assignment Day to Day Tasks
place Living Space
local_movies Story Shorts
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book For Other Writing Purposes

This character was created by Daiz Tadhg on Notebook.ai.

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