info Overview
Name - What is Quinn Axtor’s full name?

Quinn Axtor

Role - What is Quinn Axtor’s role in your story?

Side Character/cheeky psycho child

Other names - What other aliases does Quinn Axtor go by?


Gender - What is Quinn Axtor’s gender?


Age - How old is Quinn Axtor?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Quinn Axtor weigh?


Height - How tall is Quinn Axtor?


Hair Color - What color is Quinn Axtor’s hair?

bright yellow fade to black

Hair Style - How does Quinn Axtor style their hair?

two short french braids

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Quinn Axtor have?


Eye Color - What is Quinn Axtor’s eye color?


Race - What is Quinn Axtor’s race?


Skin Tone

blue - grey (livid)

Body Type

short and thin, great for agile movements and fluid movement.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Quinn Axtor have?

nicked ear and a scar across lip. no pupils or irises.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Quinn Axtor have?

generally uses slang and swears alot (even tho shes yung) loud voice and tends to eye twitch when nervous.

Motivations - What motivates Quinn Axtor most?

to have fun before she dies, no really serious motivation

Flaws - What flaws does Quinn Axtor have?

she doesnt have motivation and isnt very loyal.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Quinn Axtor have?

she hates organisms who are from a privilaged background and the wealthy.

Talents - What talents does Quinn Axtor have?

she is really good at lying and getting info

Hobbies - What hobbies does Quinn Axtor have?


Personality type - What personality type is Quinn Axtor?



She's gay.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Quinn Axtor practice?


Politics - What politics does Quinn Axtor have?


Occupation - What is Quinn Axtor’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Quinn Axtor’s favorite color?

(one of the colours you mix to get blue)

Favorite food - What is Quinn Axtor’s favorite food?

roasted granhigt (kind of like a groundhog and a capybara and a worm)

Favorite possession - What is Quinn Axtor’s favorite possession?

obsidian earring (its a token from earth before earth was destroyed in an intergalactic war)

Favorite weapon - What is Quinn Axtor’s favorite weapon?

short-blade revolver

Favorite animal - What is Quinn Axtor’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Quinn Axtor have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Quinn Axtor’s birthday?

35 macreh

Education - What is Quinn Axtor’s level of education?

not very high (knows the basics)

Background - What is Quinn Axtor’s background?

a young tomoran from the planet hemœnåe. Was on a walk through the sandy ice desert when some she was attacked by a convicted felon. She killed him and was found sitting on the corpse bounty hunters who were after the reward. They were impressed and decided to invite her to work with them, she said yes. after 2 years they split up, she was staying on Drabroxus when she got word of the famous Fox and recruited her for a planned heist.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Quinn Axtor have?

no, but she calls her short-blade revolver baby and acts like its her child.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

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