info Overview
Name - What is Alex Soluthr’s full name?

Alex Soluthr

Gender - What is Alex Soluthr’s gender?

AMAB MtF Female(she/they)

Age - How old is Alex Soluthr?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Alex Soluthr?


Hair Color - What color is Alex Soluthr’s hair?

Jet black with their front hair being white

Hair Style - How does Alex Soluthr style their hair?

Long hair, very curly, half tied

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Alex Soluthr have?


Eye Color - What is Alex Soluthr’s eye color?


Race - What is Alex Soluthr’s race?


Skin Tone

Rather pale, she surprisingly doesn't get tanned easily.

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Alex Soluthr most?

She wants to keep everyone safe.

Flaws - What flaws does Alex Soluthr have?

Feeling idle since not being able to fight because of her injury.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Alex Soluthr have?

Due to what happened to her she can be rather distrustful of strangers.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Alex Soluthr have?

After losing her left arm and quiting combat she took up medicine and spend more time helping her parents on their farm, she also got into flower arrangement.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Alex Soluthr’s favorite food?


date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

sceard of bats.

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