info Overview
Name - What is Alice’s full name?


Role - What is Alice’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Alice go by?


Gender - What is Alice’s gender?


Age - How old is Alice?

Mid 20s



face Looks
Main Hand


Weight - How much does Alice weigh?

Fluctuates between 115-120lbs

Height - How tall is Alice?


Hair Color - What color is Alice’s hair?

White blonde with golden brown highlights
#FFF5E1 #A7856A

Hair Style - How does Alice style their hair?

Alice has wavy hair that extends past her shoulders

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Alice have?


Eye Color - What is Alice’s eye color?

Her eyes are a little darker than the blonde of her hair, but they are still very bright and almost glow in the dark.

Facial Features

tall, skinny nose
round, rosy cheeks
gapped teeth
parted lips/cupids bow

Race - What is Alice’s race?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Alice have?

Alice has long, pointed ears, which extend about 4 inches laterally.

Skin Tone


Body Type

thin framed
long, skinny fingers

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Alice have?

Alice was born lucky and takes her magic for granted. She’s never had to work very hard to excel and that’s resulted in her being prideful. At times she can be selfish and have little to no regard for those around her. In her own little bubble.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Alice have?

Alice tends to Fernsby’s garden ever since he passed.

Personality type - What personality type is Alice?



Chaotic Neutral
Alice, whether she realizes it or not, is only in it for herself. She can be somewhat irrational and spontaneous at times and is most worried about her own self interests.

filter_tilt_shift Abilities
wb_sunny Magics
groups Social
Occupation - What is Alice’s occupation?

Herbologist & Chloromancer

Favorite food - What is Alice’s favorite food?

Apple pudding from the traveling vendors

Job - What job does Alice have?

  1. Medicinal Manufacturer
    Using her knowledge of chloromancy, Alice works in the medicinal department of Arcadia to create potions and medicines to treat/heal the unwell

  2. Theoretical Heimancer
    Alice has spent a great portion of her life studying a theoretical multiverse (which might not be theoretical anymore thanks to her efforts).

info History
Birthday - When is Alice’s birthday?


device_hub Family
history Changelog
edit Notes
Item chevron_right Description link mentioned Alice

This character was created by jantzen on

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