info Overview
Name - What is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s full name?

Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett

Role - What is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s role in your story?

main character

Other names - What other aliases does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett go by?

Phantom queen, vampyre matriarch, leader of vampyre coven, vampyre lady

Gender - What is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s gender?


Age - How old is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett weigh?

178.5 pounds

Height - How tall is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ?

5ft 8"

Hair Color - What color is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s hair?

Raven black

Hair Style - How does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett have?


Eye Color - What is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s eye color?

fiery red

Race - What is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s race?


Skin Tone

Dark brown

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett have?

white patches across her neck and shoulders, a beauty mark on her cheek, firey eyes

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett have?

Flares nose when irritated, tilts head when curious, eye twitches and mouth pulls down when she lies, waves her hands about when she's talking about a topic she's passionate about

Motivations - What motivates Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett most?

keeping her coven safe, keep her family safe

Flaws - What flaws does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett have?

stubborn, has trouble trusting people, blunt words,

Prejudices - What prejudices does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett have?

prejudices against werewolves, thinks they're animalistic, hates humankind because she thinks they're destructive monsters

Talents - What talents does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett have?

Runs very fast, good at motivating family, good with a hand crossbow

Hobbies - What hobbies does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett have?

reading, sketching, crossbow, hand-to-hand combat

Personality type - What personality type is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ?

cold on the outside


Very good

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett practice?


Politics - What politics does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett have?


Occupation - What is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s occupation?

Vampire matriarchal leader

Favorite color - What is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s favorite color?

Emerald green

Favorite food - What is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s favorite food?

Gideon, preferably his blood -cos she's a vamp- but she's not picky when it comes to him

Favorite possession - What is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s favorite possession?

her family

Favorite weapon - What is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s favorite weapon?

Hand crossbow

Favorite animal - What is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s favorite animal?

black panther

Job - What job does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett have?

Coven leader, mafia leader type

date_range History
Birthday - When is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s birthday?

the 3rd of March

Education - What is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s level of education?


Background - What is Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett ’s background?

comes from wealthy district of South America

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Morrigan Alexandra Scarlett have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Morrigan is a closed off person, doesn't trust anyone that isn't a vampire, has a hard time opening up about herself, is selfless when it comes to those that she deeply cares for

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This character was created by Charli on

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