info Overview
Name - What is Bellaphrina’s full name?


Role - What is Bellaphrina’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Bellaphrina go by?

Bells, Bella. Goes by Bella

Gender - What is Bellaphrina’s gender?


Age - How old is Bellaphrina?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Bellaphrina weigh?

14 kgs

Height - How tall is Bellaphrina?

3ft 8, normally doesn't stand to full height, as she doesn't have enough energy for it.

Hair Color - What color is Bellaphrina’s hair?

Jet black

Hair Style - How does Bellaphrina style their hair?

A long tangled mess going down to her chin. filled with dust and dirt.

Eye Color - What is Bellaphrina’s eye color?

Black with gold flecks

Race - What is Bellaphrina’s race?

Some type of Caucasian, but probably British due to her accent

Skin Tone

Pale white with freckles

Body Type

Thin and needle like, mostly skin and bones.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Bellaphrina have?

Four missing fingers, three on her right hand and one on her left. Grotesque burn marks on her left leg.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Bellaphrina have?

Bella cannot stop moving her last right finger, and it taps at a constant pace of 120 bpm, probably a lasting effect from losing the other three. Whenever someone stops it moving she goes into a fit of terribly loud screaming. She sleeps with a hand around her throat, as if she's choking herself.

Motivations - What motivates Bellaphrina most?

Running from her past.

Flaws - What flaws does Bellaphrina have?

Bella will start to cry whenever someone says anything louder than a whisper. She will use her nails on anyone she dislikes.

Talents - What talents does Bellaphrina have?

She can solve a Rubik's Cube and many other complicated puzzles in less than 30 seconds.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Bellaphrina have?

Though she cannot draw, there is nevertheless a large number of stick people drawings scattered across backroom levels that Bella has sketched. They are identifiable by the fact there are always one of them in a given sketch and having a blacked out background on top of hastily scratched out words.


Bellaphrina has extreme PTSD, and any action that slightly relates to traumatic memories sets her into a shocking bout of yelling and, shortly afterwards, sobbing. She also has insomnia and terrible anorexia, making her 14 kgs at eight years old. She will often go into week long stretches of starvation, and not eat any food given to her, no matte how enticing

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Bellaphrina’s favorite color?

“Deepest darkest blue.” --Bella

Favorite food - What is Bellaphrina’s favorite food?

No food

Favorite possession - What is Bellaphrina’s favorite possession?

Her sharpie pen that somehow never runs out of ink.

Favorite weapon - What is Bellaphrina’s favorite weapon?

Her nails

Favorite animal - What is Bellaphrina’s favorite animal?

Doesn't know what an animal is

date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Eye witness account:

“I have no idea how she got in, boss! It's a mystery; there are no holes in the walls or barricades, no sound of footsteps, not even footprints in the mud! And then she started screaming when we tried to talk to her! She scares me."

--Eyewitness account of Bella the day before Backroom level 201's only confirmed settlement was destroyed.


This character was created by Lucky_Coin on

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