info Overview
Name - What is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s full name?

Jikar, The King Of Dragons

Role - What is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Jikar, The King Of Dragons go by?

Jikar, Elder

Gender - What is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s gender?


Age - How old is Jikar, The King Of Dragons?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Jikar, The King Of Dragons weigh?


Height - How tall is Jikar, The King Of Dragons?


Hair Color - What color is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Jikar, The King Of Dragons style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jikar, The King Of Dragons have?


Eye Color - What is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s eye color?

Golden brown

Race - What is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jikar, The King Of Dragons have?

His Horns, and his Wings

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jikar, The King Of Dragons have?

Very Arrogant, but is kind only to Desu Dexxra.

Motivations - What motivates Jikar, The King Of Dragons most?

Provide wisdom to Those who seek it.

Flaws - What flaws does Jikar, The King Of Dragons have?

He is very arrogant, and a hard guy to talk to, he talks in riddles.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Jikar, The King Of Dragons have?

R'teh Dexxia

Talents - What talents does Jikar, The King Of Dragons have?

He is A {Specialist} so his abilities are widely Unknown to the public, and he is the oldest living being on the planet (Who hasn't ascended).

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jikar, The King Of Dragons have?

He likes talking to Desu, and R'teh.
He also like mischief.

Personality type - What personality type is Jikar, The King Of Dragons?

Wise, Snarky, Arrogant, Kind


{Regression}- When one is cursed with reliving the same events over and over until the problem is fixed.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Jikar, The King Of Dragons practice?


Politics - What politics does Jikar, The King Of Dragons have?


Occupation - What is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s occupation?

Wisdom Keeper

Favorite color - What is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s favorite food?

Demon meat

Favorite possession - What is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s favorite possession?

A memento Desu gave to him.

Favorite weapon - What is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Jikar, The King Of Dragons have?

Keeping all the knowledge of the world.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s birthday?


Education - What is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s level of education?


Background - What is Jikar, The King Of Dragons’s background?

He was born when Desu, The God Of Sunder Wanted a companion 100 after he killed his brother.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jikar, The King Of Dragons have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Jikar, The King Of Dragons

This character was created by Desu___ on

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