info Overview
Name - What is BookKeep (Placeholder)’s full name?

BookKeep (Placeholder)

Other names - What other aliases does BookKeep (Placeholder) go by?

Book Keep, Record Keeper

Role - What is BookKeep (Placeholder)’s role in your story?

Record Keeper for Kingdom

Age - How old is BookKeep (Placeholder)?


Gender - What is BookKeep (Placeholder)’s gender?


face Looks
fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does BookKeep (Placeholder) have?

Has a dislike to magic users, but isn't as prejudice. He follows what the Queen says to avoid getting hurt

Talents - What talents does BookKeep (Placeholder) have?

Incredible memory (photographic)
Fast at writing
Organizing is his skillset

Hobbies - What hobbies does BookKeep (Placeholder) have?


Personality type - What personality type is BookKeep (Placeholder)?

Reserved, helpful, short spoken, quick to jump from topic to topic, extremely intelligent.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is BookKeep (Placeholder)’s favorite color?

Old book pages whitee

Favorite possession - What is BookKeep (Placeholder)’s favorite possession?

Oil Lamp (actually magic and he knows it, but tells nobody)

Favorite food - What is BookKeep (Placeholder)’s favorite food?

Pork Roast

Occupation - What is BookKeep (Placeholder)’s occupation?

Book Keep/ Record Keeper

Politics - What politics does BookKeep (Placeholder) have?

Follows the king and queen

Religion - What religion does BookKeep (Placeholder) practice?

Goddess (old version, which is why he sees magic as useful and not evil)

Job - What job does BookKeep (Placeholder) have?

Record Keeper

Favorite animal - What is BookKeep (Placeholder)’s favorite animal?

Gold Finch

Favorite weapon - What is BookKeep (Placeholder)’s favorite weapon?


info History
Education - What is BookKeep (Placeholder)’s level of education?

Highest level of education in the kingdom, continues to learn

Background - What is BookKeep (Placeholder)’s background?

Was a commoner that was obsessed with reading. He eventually discovered his memory wasn't normal, and after a time of memorizing things that happened his parents took him to the castle and asked an audience. The previous record keeper had died a "natural" death after asking questions, so his parents reminded him to not ask, just observe. They showed off his skill, and from there they offered him a job. He moved into the castle, living in a quarters above the library with everything he could need. His parents gifted him with the lantern and told him to never question it's function. They must have left, because from the age of 14 (when he joined the kingdom as record keeper) he never saw them again.

Birthday - When is BookKeep (Placeholder)’s birthday?

January 5th (Capricorn)

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Athena331 on

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