Victarius Ravencroft
Mage Hunter
214 pounds
March 31st
Victarius' parents were completely normal, so having a tiefling child was a surprise. Both served with The Mage Hunters and knew that it could have been any of their ancestors that left fiendish influence in their bloodlines and neither one was to blame, so rather than fight about something they couldn't change they did their best to raise Victarius within the Mage Hunters and use her existence as a teaching tool.
So the young tiefling grew up knowing that one of her ancestors had been influenced by fiends, proof to everyone else in the Mage Hunters what would happen if they consorted with the things they were training to kill. Of course that gave her a pretty messed up view of the world and herself, and it followed her into adulthood as well....
This character was created by Sigilmancy on
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