Pollux Gemini
Child of Light
The chaotic twin.
Non-binary, he/they
biromantic, masculine leaning
Physical touch
Similar to Castor’s, but higher pitched and loud
Asian (irl reference)
Straight, goes down to the middle of their back, usually in a loose ponytail
Black, with a blue shine
Athletic, slightly larger than Castor since they’re the more physical one
He wears eyeliner and a small amount of eyeshadow, usually in bright blue/purple tones. I take no criticism
Usually cool tones, crop tops with flowy sleeves, normal slacks but in brighter colors, tucked into knee-high boots, and lots of silver accessories. White feathered wings with purple accents.
Hyper, flirty, flamboyant, cheerful, optimistic, stupid-
- making the most from what life has to offer
- making others happy
- people pleaser
- very stupid
- please help him he doesn’t know thing like at all
Castor Gemini
Drunk-Dazed - ENHYPEN
This character was created by Artemis | CEO of Vincent Charbonneau on Notebook.ai.
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Castor Gemini
Nebula Pavo, Jupiter Sagitta
Sweet or spicy foods