info Overview
Name - What is Diego Jardon’s full name?

Diego Jardon

Role - What is Diego Jardon’s role in your story?

‘Lost boy’

Other names - What other aliases does Diego Jardon go by?


Gender - What is Diego Jardon’s gender?


Age - How old is Diego Jardon?




face Looks
Height - How tall is Diego Jardon?


Hair Color - What color is Diego Jardon’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Diego Jardon style their hair?


Eye Color - What is Diego Jardon’s eye color?

Dark brown with purple glimmer

Race - What is Diego Jardon’s race?



Skin Tone


Body Type

Average 13 year old body type. Lanky and athletic.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Diego Jardon have?

He’s been through it and definitely has some scars, nicks and scrapes from his adventures.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Diego Jardon have?

Think, traumatized 13 year old. He’s hesitant and jumpy, but can also be impulsive and quick to react.

Motivations - What motivates Diego Jardon most?


Flaws - What flaws does Diego Jardon have?

He easily gets overwhelmed and will instantly panic.

Talents - What talents does Diego Jardon have?

Fast runner, athletic, charismatic, is surprisingly good at art

Hobbies - What hobbies does Diego Jardon have?

Running and playing sports or games, arts and crafts


ADHD brain go burrrrrrr


Gross textures, being inactive, being scared


Soda, dogs, sports, art, food, and safety

Magical abilities

Prophet. He can see slightly into the future and also pick up on things from other people like intentions or bad vibes. He can also see auras and is able to read people pretty well.


He gets frequent headaches and needs to take several naps a day to ensure his head doesn’t “bust in two”


Death, the afterlife, zombies, fear, feeling trapped

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Diego Jardon practice?

He doesn’t exactly have a religion, he’s more superstitious than anything.

Favorite color - What is Diego Jardon’s favorite color?

Purple and green

Favorite food - What is Diego Jardon’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Diego Jardon’s favorite possession?

His hoodie that he got from his dad right before the apocalypse

Favorite weapon - What is Diego Jardon’s favorite weapon?

His dads bat

Favorite animal - What is Diego Jardon’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Background - What is Diego Jardon’s background?

He was a track runner in his schools track team when the apocalypse broke out. He remembers running home and immediately hugging his father, balling his eyes out. His single father and him bother survived for about a week when his dad got bitten. DJ stayed with his dad until about a day before his dad would turn. That was when he was instructed to run as far away as possible with his backpack and find a safe place to stay. Diego hugged his dad and said one last goodbye before running out. As he did, he could hear a gunshot from his house. Diego has been on the move ever since.

device_hub Family
edit Notes
accessibility Outfit
what does your character wear?

Usually his school shirt with his dad’s oversized hoodie and thick jeans with his favorite pair of running sneakers. He also carries around a backpack with supplies.


This character was created by Kreo on

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