info Overview
Full Name

Ibhan of Atheriel

Name Meaning

A new Dark Existence of Delicacy and Elegance

I - Beginning, Start of
Bhan - Dark Existence
Atheriel - Delicate

Other names - What other aliases does Ibhan of Atheriel go by?

Ibhy, Ivy

Gender - What is Ibhan of Atheriel’s gender?

Non-Conforming; They/Them

Languages Spoken
face Looks
fingerprint Nature
healing Health
flag Combat
Magical Abilities

Ibhan comes from a linage of Borreniris and Tekken; a mixture of molten, metal, and water. They hold abilities to manipulate these three elements, depending on their surroundings and form.

Conditions - What physical, mental, or other conditions does Ibhan of Atheriel have?

Ibhan has two other "forms," besides her buillen form. While she is able to manipulate molten, metal, and water, she finds these abilities are better when used in their given environments.

While residing in water, Ibhan will resemble a Borreniris with long Fae fins, and has positive amplification in manipulating water.

While residing in molten, Ibhan will resemble a Catani with variations of cracked magma on their skin, and has positive amplification in manipulating molten.

groups Social
info History
Education - What is Ibhan of Atheriel’s level of education?

Ibhan was a student at Romore, University of Archaic Arts.


Ibhan was born in Esterrial.

Background - What is Ibhan of Atheriel’s background?

Being born to an immigrant family, Ibhan had to spend most of their life working to keep food on a table. As a third child to the Shu'phel family, they were responsible for several siblings and cousins, with no real mind or time for education or strengthening of magical ability.

As a young adult, money came into their family by sheer chance, and Ibhan was allowed to attend Romore, University of Archaic Arts in Ardor, where they struggled socially, but eventually graduated with the intent of moving to South Blythe.

As an adult, Ibhan travelled rather than settling. While in Nolira, Ibhan would meet their truest companions, formally settling on Gravenrock after a while of convincing.

device_hub Family
Love Interests

Before Zudoza's transformation, they are considered to be in a relationship with Hoz'wick of Atheriel and Zudoza of Atheriel. It isn't until after the transformation that Ibhan and Hoz'wick feel destined to love Zudoza for the rest of their lives.

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audiotrack Music
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Love Interests link mentioned Ibhan of Atheriel

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