info Overview
Name - What is Delilah Nicole Mitchell’s full name?

Delilah Nicole Mitchell

Gender - What is Delilah Nicole Mitchell’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Delilah Nicole Mitchell go by?

Athena (call sign)



Role - What is Delilah Nicole Mitchell’s role in your story?




Age - How old is Delilah Nicole Mitchell?




face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Delilah Nicole Mitchell’s hair?

Light Brown with highlights

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Delilah Nicole Mitchell have?


Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Delilah Nicole Mitchell’s race?


Eye Color - What is Delilah Nicole Mitchell’s eye color?

Forest green

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Delilah Nicole Mitchell have?


Hair Style - How does Delilah Nicole Mitchell style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Weight - How much does Delilah Nicole Mitchell weigh?

121.Lbs (55 kg)

Height - How tall is Delilah Nicole Mitchell?

5′ 5″ (1.65 m)

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Delilah Nicole Mitchell have?


Naval avaiation



Motivations - What motivates Delilah Nicole Mitchell most?

To have a life/matter to someone outside of the Navy

Flaws - What flaws does Delilah Nicole Mitchell have?

tendency to make rash decisions,

Prejudices - What prejudices does Delilah Nicole Mitchell have?

A resentment toward the Navy/Naval way of life

Hobbies - What hobbies does Delilah Nicole Mitchell have?

Mechanic, programming

Personality type - What personality type is Delilah Nicole Mitchell?



The Tony Stark of the Top Gun Universe

Her song is American Pie by Don Mclean

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Delilah Nicole Mitchell’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Delilah Nicole Mitchell’s favorite weapon?


Favorite color - What is Delilah Nicole Mitchell’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Delilah Nicole Mitchell’s occupation?

Fighter Pilot


Navy Lt.

Religion - What religion does Delilah Nicole Mitchell practice?


Job - What job does Delilah Nicole Mitchell have?

Stay at home mom, Airplane mechanic

info History
Background - What is Delilah Nicole Mitchell’s background?

Delilah is the biological daughter of Pete "Maverick" Mitchell. Her brother is Jake Seresin and her sister is Amelia Benjamin (Who is half or full depends on who her mother is)

She grew up in San Diego surrounded by the Navy. Her childhood best friend was Bradley Bradshaw. Despite her own father's rough childhood Maverick often fell short when it came to his own daughter-especially following the death of Goose as he hurried to fill in the hole he left behind for Carole and Bradley.

Despite this Delilah held no resentment toward Bradley, as he was often the only one who was genuinely there for her besides her "Aunt" Charlie

The other adults particularly the class of 86' all make excuses or her father, because they are blinded by bias as fellow aviators/Navy men

Everything changed when Maverick pulled Bradley's paper's. (How this directly effects Delilah depends on the Universe and how old she is at the time-and there are multiple ways it go) Either way overnight Delilah's world is up ended, it seems like this is the catalyst for her father as he all but checks out followed by the rest the adults all now consumed by the unfolding drama.

Delilah at this point has learned to keep her head down and lower expectations-and yet something in her calls her to the Navy. But she's going to do it her way, you see Delilah is a genius when it comes to mechanics and aviation. So when it's time for college she applies under her step-father's name. And thanks to one Viper Metcalf who has now watched 2 generations of Mitchell's suffer in the Navy do the sins of their father arranges for her to stay of the radar of the 86' class. But one way or another all roads lead home

Birthday - When is Delilah Nicole Mitchell’s birthday?

April 7, 1982(1987, 1989) depending on universe

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history Changelog
edit Notes

Face-Claim: Lyndsy Fonseca

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