info Overview
Name - What is Anaitis Dupont’s full name?

Anaitis Dupont

Role - What is Anaitis Dupont’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Anaitis Dupont go by?


Gender - What is Anaitis Dupont’s gender?


Age - How old is Anaitis Dupont?




face Looks
Height - How tall is Anaitis Dupont?


Hair Color - What color is Anaitis Dupont’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Hair Style - How does Anaitis Dupont style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Eye Color - What is Anaitis Dupont’s eye color?

Baby blue

Race - What is Anaitis Dupont’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Anaitis Dupont have?

Absolutely flawless skin except for what looks like rope burns on her legs.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Anaitis Dupont have?

Kind and almost always happy. She’s so sweet and very approachable.

Motivations - What motivates Anaitis Dupont most?

Life itself.

Flaws - What flaws does Anaitis Dupont have?

She’s very secretive. The only way you’ll know all about her is if you are VERY close.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Anaitis Dupont have?

Just anyone who’s unkind.

Talents - What talents does Anaitis Dupont have?

Singing, dancing, art, green thumb, pottery and sculpting.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Anaitis Dupont have?

Art, singing, taking care of animals, pottery, tending to her garden.


Mental: Dyslexia, psychosis, Anxiety, ptsd

Physical: slightly blind in her right eye. There is a black blob in her peripheral vision making her vision limited and her stumble a lot. She also has a small limp from nerve damage in her legs.


Dryness, confined spaces, yelling, being held down


Seafood, animals, nature, her cottage, art, music, large open spaces


Claustrophobia, Merinthophobia

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Anaitis Dupont practice?


Favorite color - What is Anaitis Dupont’s favorite color?

Green, blue and purple

Favorite food - What is Anaitis Dupont’s favorite food?

Sea fooddddd…

Favorite possession - What is Anaitis Dupont’s favorite possession?

Her necklace

Favorite weapon - What is Anaitis Dupont’s favorite weapon?

If she had to pick, her small utility knife

Favorite animal - What is Anaitis Dupont’s favorite animal?

Any animal

date_range History
device_hub Family
edit Notes
accessibility Outfit
what does your character wear?

Usually beautiful loose dresses in pastel colors, minimal jewelry and flats or sandals.


This character was created by Kreo on

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