help Overview
Name - What is Glitch’s full name?



Jax Whitlock, out of use unless undercover.

Gender - What is Glitch’s gender?

She/they/he… they don’t care. But most people just go with they.

Age - How old is Glitch?



Human (?)


Absolute disaster.

Type of spider they were bitten by




Role - What is Glitch’s role in your story?

Spiderverse OC

face Appearance


Skin Tone


Weight - How much does Glitch weigh?


Height - How tall is Glitch?

Around 5’10

Eye Color - What is Glitch’s eye color?

May vary, but any colors found in the typical “glitch” color palette. Usually heterochomatic. Sclera is black instead of white. No pupils. The color of their eyeshadow follows this pattern as well.

(Red, yellow, neon green, cyan, cobalt blue, or magenta for color palette)

Hair Color - What color is Glitch’s hair?

Completely white which fades into some random wild color that they change nearly every week. Gotta keep up the theme.

Hair Style - How does Glitch style their hair?

It’s always wild and kinda wavy, and usually put in a loose ponytail.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Glitch have?


Body Type

Athletic and thin but well-muscled.

Dominant hand



Littered everywhere around their body.




General dark aesthetic that somewhat clashes with their features, but trust me, if they discovered that clothes can have color the multiverse would be over.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Glitch?

Chaotic af. Better description later.

Voice Description/Voice Claim

Don’t know, but sometimes their voice will glitch out and sound layered like there’s a voice filter over it. Usually happens when they’re using their abilities, but might happen randomly.

Motivations - What motivates Glitch most?

Who knows.

Flaws - What flaws does Glitch have?

Oh boy

Prejudices - What prejudices does Glitch have?

Meh, not many at all.


Oh boy


Chaos. On occasion they’d join Phantom in causing some.


Arguments and when people don’t get along :((

Talents - What talents does Glitch have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Glitch have?


Known languages

English, who knows what else.

local_hospital Conditions

They’re injured in some form 90% of the time.


May I offer you some ADHD and PTSD?

(I mean, they’re a spider-person oc, of course they have PTSD)

directions_walk Mannerisms
sports_kabaddi Situational Mannerisms
pan_tool Extra Mannerisms
fitness_center Abilities/Disabilities

Any typical spider-person abilities. Webs, super-strength, spider-sense, etc.


A specific ability they have to glitch. It’s similar to how one would glitch if they were in the wrong universe since it is derived from that, but it has adapted into more of a traditional glitching ability.

They can cause themselves, inanimate objects, or other people or animals to glitch. Also, electronics may be affected.


They used to be human, but who knows wtf they are now.

groups Social
Best friends



Who knows :D whoever wants to.




Spider-society people, I suppose?


Any villains they need to take care of.

Religion - What religion does Glitch practice?


Politics - What politics does Glitch have?


Occupation - What is Glitch’s occupation?

Spider-person, Spider-Glitch

Favorite color - What is Glitch’s favorite color?

Black? All of them? Who knows. They don’t.

Favorite food - What is Glitch’s favorite food?

Anything sweet. They’d probably eat raw sugar crystals. They probably have.

Favorite possession - What is Glitch’s favorite possession?


Favorite weapon - What is Glitch’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Glitch’s favorite animal?

All the animals

Job - What job does Glitch have?

Works in the spider society, specializing in immobilizing and detaining anomalies.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Glitch’s birthday?



Doesn’t matter now.

Education - What is Glitch’s level of education?


Background - What is Glitch’s background?

So let’s do this one last time!

A black figure with four, shiny iridescent white eyes perched on the edge of a tall skyscraper.

My name was Jax Whitlock.

Their eyes narrowed, and they jumped off of the skyscraper, flipping in the air several times before deploying a web to catch themselves.

I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for one year, I had been the one and only Spider-Person. I’m sure you know the rest!

They twirled as they reached the peak of their swing, and deployed another web to help them land on the roof of another building.

I saved the world a few times, lost a couple people. . . But hey, that’s okay!

They suddenly looked over, their eyes widening almost to ovals.

I got a few visitors that were like me, from a weird neon-rainbow portal. Pretty.

The scene cuts to them walking through a large white structure with pathways branching in all directions to look like a spiderweb. They turn and start walking backwards as they look up at the architecture and all the different people there.

And I was invited to join a Spider-person society. How cool is that? I think it’s pretty cool.

While still walking, they pull off their mask to reveal blue and green heterochomatic eyes, and brown hair tied in a loose ponytail. They look just as in awe as they did with their wide-eyed mask on.

Well, until my universe started blinking out of existence. I didn’t know why. I tried to stop it, I really did.

They’re back in their universe, surrounded by glitching things and people running in all directions. Next to them, a building disappears in a flash of overlapping color. They start running, deploying a web and taking to the air as they try to find the source of the damage.

I couldn’t find what started it. But I tried to keep everything from falling apart despite that.

They’re desperately trying to web anything they can back together. But it disappears right before their eyes. They look down at their hands. . . and they’re starting to glitch out as well.

All the way up until I was the only thing left in it. I barely escaped back to HQ.

A portal opened up next to them, and they jumped through it as fast as they could. But when they get through, they’re unconscious and on the ground. Glitching.

But that was a while ago. You can call me Glitch, Spider-Glitch, I think you get the idea right? And I’ve been like this for about three years. But it’s not all so bad! This thing is actually real helpful when I’m trying to beat up some bad guys.

The scene changes again, and they pull of their mask. Their hair is completely white now, with the bottom few inches dyed a bright cyan. Their eyes are still heterochromatic, but in a bright magenta and neon green with black sclera. Their suit also got a splash color on their limbs.

So to wrap this up, I’ve been a Spider-Person for a while. And that’s what’s important! We don’t need to worry about all that backstory. That was just to explain why I turn a bunch of fun colors sometimes.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Glitch have?


Parental figure(s)




Extended family


Former love interests/spouses


Current love interests/spouses

None (yet 👀)

shopping_basket Inventory
audiotrack Music
Songs that fit them

Adhd - Truslow
Talk Too Much - COIN

Artists they would listen to


extension Extra

Not fully developed, but fairly.


  • “Heya, my name’s Glitch! My universe blinked out of existence and nearly me along with it, anyway what’s your story?"

    • “Get closer, I dare ya!”

    • “Ouch, that hurt.”

    • “Did you know that glitching really hurts? because before I got this thing, I had no idea- anyway I need to do that to you now. Sorry.”

    • “You know he’s right behind you, yeah?”

    • “It doesn’t have to end this way.”

edit Notes

This character was created by Echo on

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