info Overview
Name - What is Raylen Kline’s full name?

Raylen Kline

Other Names - What other aliases does Raylen Kline go by?

Ray (nickname used by close friends)

Gender - What is Raylen Kline’s gender?




face Physical Description
fingerprint Personality
pan_tool Abilities
Prowess and Style

Raylen keeps his Egomancy well-stocked, but carefully avoids retaining any mutations at all by avoiding frequent use of his Craft. Against those he doesn't like, his favorite tactic is to induce sudden extreme depersonalization, making his target lose sight of who they are, why they're here, and why anything going on even matters.

To best understand how his Craft works, Raylen sometimes experiments on himself. Some of his most evocative paintings were done while in a state of slight derealization, letting him distance himself from personal biases and his inner critic.

group Relationships
account_circle Life

Raylen's ultimate goal in life is to cure humanity of Sensecraft Mutations, permanently. And unlike other pro-human movements, he aims to do so while encouraging the continued use of Sensecraft. He was born into a wealthy family that gave him the best education money could buy, where he was able to flourish as a genetic engineering prodigy. In college, he hit on key discoveries that showed a lot of promise towards his goal and soon decided to bring his efforts to all of humanity.

In his teen years, Raylen developed a fascination with Egomancy and took an extended vacation in Khiza to immerse himself in it. He sees it as a tool to better understand what makes us human, how the nature of humanity can be manipulated, and what the long-term effects are.

He tries to fill his social circle with those who are heavily mutated, especially Craftborn of all sorts. Someday, he hopes that his friends will be more willing to try his experimental treatments and parade any accomplishments he's able to make.

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