Lynn Rice
Rhymes with "grin"
Baggy, cropped, comfortable, cool colors
Lynn carries herself with a calm posture, though some people still find her intimidating thanks to her muscular figure often shown off by cropped shirts and short sleeves. She has a narrow face with high-arching eyebrows, and her brown hair is shaved on one side and left long on the other. She also likes to add color to it, favoring a lime green dip dye. Severely farsighted, she is never seen without a pair of round, thick-rimmed glasses.
Weightlifting, bass guitar
Lynn is quiet, confident, and pragmatic to a fault. She is often the calmest and most rational in the room during stressful situations and always tries to balance everyone's needs, but her low empathy sometimes causes her to miss the emotional component in her solutions. If you need someone to make the tough decisions, though, she's definitely your girl. She's fully aware that her insights aren't always welcome but doesn't know where to draw the line, and sometimes her low self-esteem shows through. Lynn welcomes the idea of Craftborn overtaking humans with open arms; she'd rather see the world become stronger than live in fear of the consequences.
So far, Lynn has tried out Visimancy, Tactimancy, Audimancy, Nocimancy, and Thermomancy. She doesn't currently have any Craft, and would prefer to wait a while longer before picking up another one anyway to avoid Switchsickness.
Part-time assistant to Kaze Hawkinson, freelancer
Lynn has spent the past decade or so travelling all around the world in search of the perfect Sensecraft. She's tried out many different types already and is always learning everything she can, both about how the Craft works and how its mutations play out. Eventually, she intends to settle on one and go full Craftborn.
For now, though, her travel funds have run dry, so she's spending some time in Vedere while she builds her nest egg back up. She was working as a contractor at Circus Fantasia for a while, letting her get close to mutants of all types; it was there that she met Kaze and decided to work for him instead out of concern for her personal safety.
This character was created by Mooglethyst on
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