info basic info
name - What is Resh Corvus’s full name?

Resh Corvus


Crow, Bastard, that weird guy who lives in Eden-


Child of Light

age - How old is Resh Corvus?


Role - What is Resh Corvus’s role in your story?

A misunderstood father with an obscure past.


Male, he/him



love language

Quality time


Deep, relatively quiet, slightly damaged

dominant hand

Ambidextrous, right hand was injured so he mostly uses his left



face appearance
height - How tall is Resh Corvus?

6’10 (6’11 with boots)

weight - How much does Resh Corvus weigh?

225 lbs

race - What is Resh Corvus’s race?

Caucasian for irl reference

eye color - What is Resh Corvus’s eye color?

Vivid orange

hair style - How does Resh Corvus style their hair?

Waist length, loose, incredibly messy and knotted

hair color - What color is Resh Corvus’s hair?

Pure white, but more silver due to discoloring from dust and dirt

skin tone

Pale white


Various scars littered all over his body from either falling or combat, a large gash on his right leg causing a limp, scars on his face from trying to jump off a cliff and landing on the back of a Dark Dragon instead, and random knife scars on his hands

body type

twink very thin, lightly muscled

local_offer outfits
usual outfit

Black cloak with red details on the end (it's got a krillie boi on it). Black leather pants with a gray shirt and gasp another black leather vest. He also has some black combat boots with a black belt and his ever present sword and scabbard on his right hip. Oh yeah and let's not forget the knives and daggers all over this man

casual outfit

Same as standerd this man does not care.

semi-formal outfit

Aye look there's no dust on him and gasp is his hair braided??1?

formal outfit

Wow did he leave the litany of weapons at home along with the semi-formal.? Good job Juni show him how to be a functioning member of society my child

extension personality
basic personality

Sarcastic, blunt, surprisingly affectionate, loves children, chronically tired, a bit confused but he’s got the right spirit

motivations - What motivates Resh Corvus most?

  • Mostly just keeping his friends and his family out of harm’s way, sometimes to a fault

flaws - What flaws does Resh Corvus have?

  • Suicidal/intrusive thoughts

  • lack of self preservation

  • completely illiterate with social cues

accessibility_new mannerisms

  • Occasionally smiles

  • mostly just looks less tired and sad


So you mean all the time

  • If he’s more sad than usual he’ll just mask. A lot

  • If it’s really bad he’ll go somewhere private and cry it out


  • Eerily calm and quiet, probably more so than usual

  • Literally devoid of outward emotion. Be very afraid


  • kind of abrasive

  • clearly trying to avoid whatever’s annoying him so he doesn’t snap


  • more spacey than usual

  • most of his vocabulary is “What?” “Huh?” and “Eh?”


  • hand will hover over one of his weapons, usually his sword

  • on high alert

  • a bit jumpy


  • Lots of head tilts and eyebrow raises

  • literally just acts like a cat


  • You’ll never know


  • hoo boy,

  • either gets really snappy and pissed off or just has a full blown panic attack

sports_handball situational mannerisms

  • What’s a tired

  • He’s never tired

  • What

  • (Lie)


  • Literally as still as a corpse

  • you can barely even see him breathing


  • He’ll usually just fidget, zone out, or both


  • Nobody will ever know

  • He’s had a lung condition for years now and almost nobody has noticed, other than the ones who are close to him


  • will start fighting people

  • if he can’t fight people he’ll make unsettling noises at them


  • Do not threaten this man

  • you may not make it out in one piece if you make it out at all


  • Extremely tired and spacey, enough said

in love

  • What is love

  • baby don’t hurt me-

pan_tool extra mannerisms

  • Usually slouching, he has gotten better though


  • either cross-legged or kinda curled up on a chair

  • This man does not know how to sit properly and refuses to learn


  • Walks pretty fast, but not nearly as fast as he can, because he’s used to slowing down for Juni

  • has a very steady stride, almost like he’s just floating


  • Perfect running technique

  • fast as fuck boiii-


  • He’ll just play with whatever is in his hands, whether it be a leaf or a literal fucking knife.

  • fluttering his wings slightly

  • tapping his foot

healing conditions

Slight limp, though it’s barely noticeable, slightly deaf, skewed sense of balance. All due to being a little too close to an explosive.

Also he has a lung condition from living in the Eye if Eden for so long and cutely refuses to seek help <3


Hoo boy,,
Anxiety, severe depression, PTSD, autism, there’s probably more,


Loud noises

magical abilities

Can fly ig???

device_hub family

Whatever I end up naming the former Valley of Triumph Elder (as in the one before this guy) though she was mostly a mentor to him



love interest

Two exes, Tsadi and an unnamed toxic piece of shit-


He sees Teth as his baby sister :}


Juniper Aquila, Ganymede Eridanus (son-in-law)


Grandchildren - Phoenix and Fern

chat social
best friends

Teth Cassiopeia




Pretty much all the Elders, excluding Ayin


Ayin, Mirage Andromeda

occupation - What is Resh Corvus’s occupation?

(Unofficial) Elder of the Eye of Eden, goes on the be the elder of the Wastelands after Tsadi’s death

favorite color - What is Resh Corvus’s favorite color?

Blue (surprisingly)

favorite food - What is Resh Corvus’s favorite food?


favorite possession - What is Resh Corvus’s favorite possession?

Do children count because he loves his child a lot

favorite weapon - What is Resh Corvus’s favorite weapon?


favorite animal - What is Resh Corvus’s favorite animal?

Dark Dragons

date_range history
background - What is Resh Corvus’s background?

listen it exists but I’m too lazy to write it down

birthday - When is Resh Corvus’s birthday?



Valley of Triumph

all_inclusive extra

My favorite loser <3
Also for the songs it’s mostly just Vibes. Do not take them seriously I beg

songs that fit them

Welcome to Wonderland - Anson Seabra
Runaway - AURORA
bury a friend - Billie Eilish
Happy Face - Jagwar Twin

quotes (for funny)

  • “I’m not a dumbass, he’s a dumbass!”

  • “Hush.”

  • “Eh?”

  • “I’m not crying. It’s allergies.”

  • “...These two are my replacements? I’m disappointed.”

  • “...What the fuck.”

  • “I don’t care, don’t touch my hair-“

  • silently judges you

  • “What’s their address. For completely innocent reasons, of course.”


This character was created by Artemis | CEO of Vincent Charbonneau on

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