info Overview
Name - What is Elijah a Meraculum’s full name?

Elijah a Meraculum

Role - What is Elijah a Meraculum’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Elijah a Meraculum go by?

Eli, moss, kai

Gender - What is Elijah a Meraculum’s gender?

trans male but he somehow managed to make himself seem like he was just born a guy to begin with.

Age - How old is Elijah a Meraculum?

He won't say



face Looks
Height - How tall is Elijah a Meraculum?


Hair Color - What color is Elijah a Meraculum’s hair?

dark red

Hair Style - How does Elijah a Meraculum style their hair?

short and fluffy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Elijah a Meraculum have?

has a bit of peach fuzz cause he doesn't shave his upper lip

Eye Color - What is Elijah a Meraculum’s eye color?

dark brown, but sometimes it turns into a bright purple.

Skin Tone

Pale white unless he's been sunburnt

Body Type

kinda curvy

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Elijah a Meraculum have?

has a scar on his left cheek near his mouth and tons of other scars that will normally not be seen

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elijah a Meraculum have?

Chaotic. VERY chaotic.

Motivations - What motivates Elijah a Meraculum most?

Loved ones.

Flaws - What flaws does Elijah a Meraculum have?

He takes things too literally, he has SHITTY memory. he forgets the simplist of tasks and has to literally write on his arms and hands to remember something.

bois also pretty much insane but its hard to tell until you catch him laughing histerically at a dead thing-

Prejudices - What prejudices does Elijah a Meraculum have?

hates assholes.

Talents - What talents does Elijah a Meraculum have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Elijah a Meraculum have?

Drawing and listening to music. Arts and crafts.


Autisim. Adhd. Trauma. You get the jist.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Elijah a Meraculum practice?


Favorite color - What is Elijah a Meraculum’s favorite color?

blue, red, purple and black

Favorite food - What is Elijah a Meraculum’s favorite food?

anything sweet.

Favorite possession - What is Elijah a Meraculum’s favorite possession?

A yellow bla- "HEY!"

Favorite weapon - What is Elijah a Meraculum’s favorite weapon?

Pocket knife

Favorite animal - What is Elijah a Meraculum’s favorite animal?

Foxes and cats

date_range History
Birthday - When is Elijah a Meraculum’s birthday?


Education - What is Elijah a Meraculum’s level of education?

he's got a lot of street smarts, but for book smarts? he'd say he's lacking in that department.

Background - What is Elijah a Meraculum’s background?

Elijah has no memory of his past…and his memory slips away from him every day. He’s slowly been driven to madness by his own thoughts and emotions. Now…he’s resorted to canabalisim and audocanabalisim

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Elijah a Meraculum have?

he's got a pet cat that follows him almost everywhere.






too much to say.

accessibility Outfit
what does your character wear?

it depends on how he feels, but he usually wears a mix of modern day and medivil clothing. the colors range from black to muted colors. but sometimes he slips a few bright colors in for special ocasions.

he also wears what he calls a veil half the time. it will mainly be a bandanna with some kind of stitching.

Eli mainly wears platform boots that come to about his knees, but other times he wears combat boots.

he also wears a lot of jewlery including rings, necklaces, percings and more.


This character was created by Kreo on

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