info Overview
Name - What is Queen Jallysh’s full name?

Queen Jallysh

Age - How old is Queen Jallysh?


Gender - What is Queen Jallysh’s gender?

Non-binary, but uses feminine terms.

face Looks
Race - What is Queen Jallysh’s race?

Human Asian Rayan, with attributes of a lionfish.

Linked Races

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Queen Jallysh have?

Orange marks on her face that are markings of her race.

fingerprint Nature
Personality overview

They are a very soft spoken, kind queen and person in general. They only want what's best for their people.

Flaws - What flaws does Queen Jallysh have?

  • Easily overwhelmed. They cannot handle more than one or two duties at once, as they were never taught how to be a ruler. So they usually just give most of their work and business to Manta's family. They don't mean to be rude by it.

groups Social
folder_open Quotes
date_range History
device_hub Family
audiotrack Music
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Government chevron_right Leaders link linked Queen Jallysh

This character was created by ethan💥 on

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