info Overview
Name - What is Ruth Jones ’s full name?

Ruth Jones

Role - What is Ruth Jones ’s role in your story?

Minor mortal

Other names - What other aliases does Ruth Jones go by?

Elodie Varon

Gender - What is Ruth Jones ’s gender?


Age - How old is Ruth Jones ?




face Looks
Height - How tall is Ruth Jones ?


Hair Color - What color is Ruth Jones ’s hair?

light brown

Hair Style - How does Ruth Jones style their hair?

Long hair, curly

Eye Color - What is Ruth Jones ’s eye color?

China blue

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ruth Jones have?

left eye either entirely missing or non functional so she wears a glass eye
also scarred across the face and body from the attack that killed her mother.

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
date_range History
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Avery G on

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