account_box Introduction
info Overview
Name - What is Artemy Edet Jaxxson’s full name?

Artemy Edet Jaxxson

Other names - What other aliases does Artemy Edet Jaxxson go by?


Age - How old is Artemy Edet Jaxxson?


Gender - What is Artemy Edet Jaxxson’s gender?

Cis Male



remove_red_eye Looks
Casual Clothes/Formal Attire

Usually, he's in uniform when on the job, but for his everyday clothes he sports a navy fishtail parka over a slim-fit long-sleeved v-neck shirt with charcoal cargo pants. Has soft black boots that come up to half of his calf. The cargo pants are tucked into his boots and sort of bag up in the area where they're tucked in. Sometimes he'll wear fingerless gray winter gloves, but only on really cold days. He likes wearing neatly pressed clothes so he always looks formal, though, still has a messy appearance to him even though he tries to keep everything in order.

announcement Anomaly
pan_tool Nature

Has been diagnosed with Disorganized Schizophrenia.

date_range History
fingerprint Family
Adoptive Father(s)

Adoptive Mother(s)

Biological Siblings

Love interest(s)

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book For Other Writing Purposes
Character Form

Name: Artemy Edet Jaxxson
Nickname: Artemis
Age: 15
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Race: Human, African-American/Chinese

Appearance: Aretmy's eyes are almond-shaped and slightly hooded. The color of his eyes are green-gold, a little more on the golden side to the point where they look like really light amber eyes when the sun hits them. His gaze is naturally soft but quickly turns hard if you’re seen as an enemy. His nose is more on the wider side, but not by a lot. The bridge is quite short and his nose is medium-sized.
Artemy's lips are full, just like his brother's, but not quite as big, just barely reaching that point. His face is a combination of square and oblong shapes. He has a sharp jawline, though his cheekbones aren’t that defined.
His hair is black and fairly long, he usually gets it done into dreadlocks and puts it up into a ponytail or pins the front pieces back with a clip. His hair gets very fluffy and soft after wearing the locks for a while. The dreadlocks themselves aren't very long and come down to his chest.

Artemy is 5'7 and weighs 163 lbs, being a mesomorph body type. He works out regularly and has built a lot of muscle. He plans to continue this regimen until he reaches his goal.
His skin tone is a light honey color, he's not as dark as his brother’s since more of the Asian side was dominant with him.

Clothes: Techwear. Meaning very baggy cargo pants with skin-tight tank tops, and a jacket with loose belts on top. He likes oversized clothes a lot, so t-shirts are also pretty baggy. Wears running shoes since he's always on a run to get things delivered. The color scheme that he goes for the most is muted blue, orange, and greens. With black mixed in there somewhere.

Condition(s) (if any): Mild Depression, Abandonment Issues

Personality: Because Artemy didn’t have a caretaker until he was ten, he grew up shy and had a sort of innocence to him that was only found in younger children. Andre tried his best to take care of his younger brother but between his father’s demands and work, he couldn’t keep up. He only took care of Artemy till he was three and from there he gave up, though, still kept an eye on him from time to time.
In his younger years, Artemy was definitely soft-spoken and a pushover. He was very emotional and didn’t understand why he felt empty all the time.
Later by age fifteen, he developed a bit more of his personality as the person who raised him turned out to be a great role model. Jen’s determination and caring nature rubbed off on Artemy and he strives to be just like him. He’s still very much an emotional kid and will cry if he sees someone who’s been abused because he doesn’t understand why people are so cruel when he was taught to be compassionate.
Aside from being really emotionally vulnerable, he’s a very hyper-upbeat kid. He loves to mess around with others in a good-natured way, never really taking things too far like the second “father figure” in his life, Jake.

At this point in time Artemy is a very kind person overall, though doesn’t exactly know the meaning of boundaries and will usually go with the flow if someone asks him to do something even if it makes him feel uncomfortable. He’s more nervous around new people and will grow quiet and reserved when there are older males around and he feels like they are a threat.
Artemy is a very fun individual even though there have been many things in his life that were less than ideal. It’s not that he tries to hide the fact that it hurt him in some way, but more so trying to look at the brighter side of things because he doesn’t like thinking about the past, it usually triggers a depressive episode which only comes in the form of a few days, but he’d rather avoid it altogether. He’s not afraid of showing when he feels sad, being reassured again and again that it was okay to cry and express how he felt. He usually won’t let others bring him down, having a strong sense of self. He’s not ashamed of his interests or if they’re perceived as “cringy” or “stupid”. He likes what he likes and lives his life very loosely in the sense that he doesn’t let anyone make him feel bad for just being himself.

Background: Very early on Artemy was dealt with some pretty bad cards. His mother was a prostitute who had been killed a few months after Artemy had been born. His father didn't want to take charge of the two kids left behind by Artemy's mother, him, and his older brother Andre. But because they had nowhere to go Andre begged him to let them stay with him in exchange for working and bringing in money to the house. Their father accepted and that’s where Andre’s downfall started. Artemy's brother, being young and having no experience and not being of age to work yet, delved into his mother's work and worked as a prostitute. He worked at a club that was high in drug sales and liquor. It wasn't long before Andre, the only source of stability in Artemy's life, had disappeared, lost to the use of drugs and parties.
Artemy basically grew up lonely, fending for himself until the age of seven. Andre tried hard to keep food on the table and take care of their old man and Artemy even though the man who called himself their father had no interest in them. Even though he didn't care about them, none of them could do anything without running it by their father. And if they did, that's the only time when he got violent and threatened to throw them out. Yet, the man demanded so much of them, telling Artemy to take to the streets with his brother.
It wasn't until Artemy was ten that the man passed away in his sleep, something he suspected that Andre had done to free them from his rule, though, never got confirmation. Now that Andre could hold his own and didn't need to rely on their father, he took Artemy to an apartment where he and some of his friends lived.

Still, Andre never got sober and Artemy was left without his last connection to his bloodline. Andre would pine over boys, flirted with them, and indulged in his own misery, using hard drugs to numb out the life he had been given, ignoring Artemy in the process. One of Andre's lovers, Jake, along with his best friend, Jen, took charge once Andre had brought Artemy in. Jen showered him, clothed him, ordered food for him, enrolled him in school, and showed him some street smarts in case he ever found himself in a pinch. It was the first time Artemy had been shown any type of love and he grew fond of Jen. The two grew close until one day Jen disappeared along with Andre and all of his friends. He never knew what happened to them, but soon dropped out of school shortly after the disappearance of everyone. Artemy decided he would work instead as his grades had plummeted and everything seemed to be going wrong in his life at this point. The grief of everyone gone left him depressed and angry, so he took to the streets after having no luck with work as no one would employ a kid who hadn't graduated high school.
After much begging and a lot of having to prove himself, he was allowed to work at an arcade, right in front of the place he used to call home. To this day, this is where he works, sometimes taking on small side jobs, like delivering packages discretely, that can't be sent through the post office because of the contraband inside them.

Other: https://pin.it/4GZEJlh

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This character was created by Day on Notebook.ai.

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