info Overview
Name - What is Arachne’s full name?


Role - What is Arachne’s role in your story?

mother of arcadia & brian

Other names - What other aliases does Arachne go by?

Mommy, mannyyyy sexual names that i will not write down here.

Gender - What is Arachne’s gender?


Age - How old is Arachne?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Arachne?


Hair Color - What color is Arachne’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Arachne style their hair?

long and fluffy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Arachne have?


Race - What is Arachne’s race?
Skin Tone


Body Type

chubby thiccccc

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Arachne have?

curly Horns, succubus tail, x on her nose, four eyes, two small scars on the right side of her chin.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Arachne have?

flirty but knows boundaries, reserved in normal situations

Motivations - What motivates Arachne most?

having fun

Flaws - What flaws does Arachne have?

tunnel vision doesn't always have a filter, and has difficulty understanding children.

Talents - What talents does Arachne have?

easily reads people, good at knowing what to do in high-stress situations.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Arachne have?


Personality type - What personality type is Arachne?

Goofy, doesn't take most things seriously. sex jokes!!!!

groups Social
date_range History
Background - What is Arachne’s background?

She was born in the South and had a rough childhood. She found that men would often try and take advantage of her, so she decided to get a hold of herself and move to [wip] . that's where she met Flynn and fell in love with him. they got married and had Arcadia and Brian . They decided to break up but not get divorced when she started doing sex work for a living to keep the family afloat. she knows her boundaries and wen she feels uncomfortable she removes herself from the situation immediately

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

She is married to Flynn but they are separated, due to the nature of Arachne's job. Flynn is uncomfortable with it and they decided to take a break while they try to figure out their financial situation.


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