info Overview
Name - What is Olivia Elizabeth Reeves’s full name?

Olivia Elizabeth Reeves

Age - How old is Olivia Elizabeth Reeves?

18 in 2041

face Looks
fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Politics - What politics does Olivia Elizabeth Reeves have?

Like both of her parents she's pretty politically active and has a strong opinion on politically driven wars and social issues within the US

Favorite weapon - What is Olivia Elizabeth Reeves’s favorite weapon?

Probably her powers, but all things considered she doesn't LOVE to fight

date_range History
folder_open Heroics and villainy
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Olivia Elizabeth Reeves

Character chevron_right Children link linked Olivia Elizabeth Reeves

This character was created by Sydney on

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