info Overview
Name - What is Valentine Coios’s full name?

Valentine Coios

Role - What is Valentine Coios’s role in your story?

Main character, double agent, assassin

Other names - What other aliases does Valentine Coios go by?

He's had many names over the years. Valentine is not his living real name but only two people know his real name, and that's his momma, and his commanding officer. And now you. His real name is Joseph Constantine. Valentine is, for all intensive purposes, his legal name.
His callsign is Mudpuddle. (He ate shit during his final test right at the end, right in front of his CO, after preforming perfectly on everything else, and had to re-do all the training and test again.)

Gender - What is Valentine Coios’s gender?

Male, he/him

Age - How old is Valentine Coios?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Valentine Coios?

5' 8"

Hair Color - What color is Valentine Coios’s hair?

Dark blond

Hair Style - How does Valentine Coios style their hair?

Very short mohawk

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Valentine Coios have?

Very short bear/moustache

Eye Color - What is Valentine Coios’s eye color?

Light gold

Skin Tone


Body Type

He's a lil dude, in all dimensions

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Valentine Coios have?

He's got spots :) Lil beauty marks dotted all over, just here and there.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Valentine Coios have?

Biggest smile
Best smile
Very energetic, moves around all the damn time
He's super friendly to everyone, all the time.
He's comforting
Literal bestie material
Tackles everything with a great attitude
Literally laughed his way through basic and the more intensive training. Like, he'd be suffering, and just laugh like a maniac.

Motivations - What motivates Valentine Coios most?

His mother and daughter. He's doing everything he does to keep her safe. He already lost his wife. He's not letting them take anyone else from him.

Flaws - What flaws does Valentine Coios have?

He's touchy about his size, will fight you about it.
He REFUSES to wear replace socks until they literally are just ragged strips of cloth.
He has a hard time keeping his space neat.
He isn't faking it when he gets attached to the teams he's assigned. This makes it very very hard to kill them later when it's time.

Talents - What talents does Valentine Coios have?

Befriending people

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This character was created by William on

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