import_contacts Overview
Name - What is Бинара Увхъолль’s full name?

Бинара Увхъолль

Gender - What is Бинара Увхъолль’s gender?

female (used to go by masculatives earlier)

Age - How old is Бинара Увхъолль?


gesture Appearance
Hair Color - What color is Бинара Увхъолль’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Бинара Увхъолль style their hair?


Eye Color - What is Бинара Увхъолль’s eye color?

steel grey

Race - What is Бинара Увхъолль’s race?

Marrnargatt folk — dyrr tribe

Skin Tone


whatshot Nature
Motivations - What motivates Бинара Увхъолль most?

to find her brother and peaceful home for them both

Prejudices - What prejudices does Бинара Увхъолль have?

afraid of sailing the western and southern seas because her goddess wouldn't be able to protect her there

healing Social
Religion - What religion does Бинара Увхъолль practice?

northern goddess Ao

Favorite possession - What is Бинара Увхъолль’s favorite possession?

деревянный волчок, которого Астрид вырезал ей, когда ему было семь

Favorite weapon - What is Бинара Увхъолль’s favorite weapon?


brightness_medium History
Education - What is Бинара Увхъолль’s level of education?

uneducated, but good at traditional medicine

Background - What is Бинара Увхъолль’s background?

her howetown Nymavarrar was attacked by the army of konung from the Hymdall fjord as they wanted to expand their territories. with all the mayhem, Binara managed to escape with her younger brother Astrid but invaders somehow catched them in the forest and forced to return against their will and take an oath to the new ruler. after that, Astrid and other boys over 12 years of age got taken away from their families for another sails and raids, though Binara tried to get in instead of him as a volunteer. she got separated with the only family she has left and nothing connected her with that town anymore, so she pretended to be a man and joined the local mercenaries secretly planning to find Enathy across the sea. Met Sylvi somewhere in Aazgarrmoth – she helped her avoid arrest for petty theft. They very quickly became friends, so Sylvi asked her to join the Catcher's crew

favorite Family
pan_tool Inventory
format_quote Notes
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