info Overview
Name - What is Helen Aurora Faye’s full name?

Helen Aurora Faye

Other names - What other aliases does Helen Aurora Faye go by?

Ashley, SL-5

Role - What is Helen Aurora Faye’s role in your story?

Background Character

Age - How old is Helen Aurora Faye?


Gender - What is Helen Aurora Faye’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Helen Aurora Faye have?


Hair Style - How does Helen Aurora Faye style their hair?

Long hair, straight

Hair Color - What color is Helen Aurora Faye’s hair?


Height - How tall is Helen Aurora Faye?


Weight - How much does Helen Aurora Faye weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Helen Aurora Faye have?

Scars over her body

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Helen Aurora Faye’s race?


Eye Color - What is Helen Aurora Faye’s eye color?

Baby blue

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Helen Aurora Faye have?

Hatred for non-humans especially.



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Helen Aurora Faye have?

Keeps her head down and doesn't look at others when speaking. Stammers a lot when speaking to those of authority

Motivations - What motivates Helen Aurora Faye most?

Getting out of TCR and finally living her own life was something she had for a while

Flaws - What flaws does Helen Aurora Faye have?

Doesn't stand up if anyone is being hurt right in front of her due to her fear and is quite anti-social

Talents - What talents does Helen Aurora Faye have?

She's a good dancer

Hobbies - What hobbies does Helen Aurora Faye have?

Used to read a lot of books and sketch in her sketchbook

Personality type - What personality type is Helen Aurora Faye?

Deep down she's warm and caring. Outside though she's quiet and reserved. Becoming much more colder as time went on.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Helen Aurora Faye’s favorite food?

She loved sweets and other unhealthy foods

Favorite animal - What is Helen Aurora Faye’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Helen Aurora Faye’s favorite weapon?

Pocket knife

Favorite possession - What is Helen Aurora Faye’s favorite possession?

Her bracelet that she got from one of the other members of TCR

Favorite color - What is Helen Aurora Faye’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Helen Aurora Faye’s occupation?

Used to be a student now a prisoner

Politics - What politics does Helen Aurora Faye have?


Religion - What religion does Helen Aurora Faye practice?


Job - What job does Helen Aurora Faye have?


info History
Birthday - When is Helen Aurora Faye’s birthday?

May 20

Education - What is Helen Aurora Faye’s level of education?

10th grade level

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Helen Aurora Faye have?

Used to have a cat

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Appearance

This character was created by Oniyuri on

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