Narcyz (000078)
Advanced Student
9th Year
Ciphercy Code: 000078
"Narcyz is somewhere around 1,90-1,94 m (I think he is pretty tall, which supports his rather spooky appearance? Just a tall lanky dude. I think it's 6'2-6'36 in feet )" - saltea_ricky
"His ability is to summon hallucinations! [...] he imagines something which he creates for people to see! (Could be visible for a bunch of people OR just chosen ones he focused on specifically- which he also learned during the years of training he already went through)" - saltea_ricky
"The ability is limited in the way that he can only create hallucinations affecting areas he can see as he has to control the visible hallucinations to some degree! [...] While having hallucinations for others summoned, he's just as mentally present as always (meaning he shouldn't be talked to unless it's urgent)
Another downside is Narcyz's loss of reality. Due to extensive use of this ability, Narcyz's brain stopped to handle all these information properly- and Narcyz himself just gets stuff confused a lot.
He suffers from hallucinations himself nowadays. Due to the therapy provided, he learned to tell most of them apart from reality but it doesn't work all the time so sometimes he just mixes up what's real and what isn't. Students may talk to him and he won't respond as he mistakes it as an audible hallucination he doesn't react to! Or he will mistake a hallucination as a real being and can be seen talking to absolutely nothing for a hot minute." - saltea_ricky
This character was created by cherrytwelve on
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