info Overview
Name - What is Lizzie Hatcher’s full name?

Lizzie Hatcher

Description - Describe Lizzie Hatcher.

The protagonist and anti-heroine of Corpse Wonderland.

She is secretly an axe-wielding midnight killer and assumes the identity of a street-wanderer during the day. After having her secret uncovered by a mysterious man who calls himself the Commissioner, she is threatened into joining an organization of murderers that handles corrupt authority. Currently, she is assisting the organization through the faction of Blackchapel Office.


Heart Hatcheter (killer alias)
Alice (real name)

Age - How old is Lizzie Hatcher?

13 years old

Gender - What is Lizzie Hatcher’s gender?



Unnamed parents (deceased)
Six unnamed siblings (deceased)
Jack (caretaker, partner)
Sally (older sister figure)

Occupation - What is Lizzie Hatcher’s occupation?

Surgeon's assistant (civil identity)
Murderer, vigilante (true identity)


Blackchapel Office






"Off with your head."

face Looks
Height - How tall is Lizzie Hatcher?

149 cm (4′ 10)

Race - What is Lizzie Hatcher’s race?



Lizzie is a sickly-looking young girl with shoulder length, spiky lemon-yellow hair, pale skin and empty black eyes. She styles her hair loose and wears a black ribbon on top.

Her outfit consists of a simple white shirt and blue skirt under a greyish blue cape tied with a black ribbon. She has a pocket clock and key attached to a chain at her waist and wears black gloves. The ends of her skirt and cape have a card game pattern of red spades and hearts and black diamonds. She also wears striped stockings and black shoes.

fingerprint Nature

Lizzie is best described as a textbook sociopath; she can be a compulsive liar and uses others for her own goals without remorse. A self-centered and immature egoist, she constantly disregards authority and is overall disrespectful and rude to anyone who annoys her in the slightest, even contemplating murdering them for the fun of it. She is also prone to fits of anger when she doesn't get her way and dislikes it when she is being contested.

She also has nihilistic ideals and views, and the only way she feels genuinely alive is through murder. She is insanely sadistic and enjoys hunting her prey down. In her own words, she makes her murders quick but long enough to make them last. However, despite her nihilistic views, Lizzie is very cowardly herself and is prone to running away from dangerous situations once she feels her life is threatened. Her victims are primarily rich nobles, from whom she steals their valuables to buy things for herself. Her mood swings make her unpredictable, but her constant mood is murderous and callous.

Despite her apparent ruthlessness and lack of empathy for other people, Lizzie is still a child at heart and often expresses interests in things befitting for someone her age. She is also rather dumb due to the fact that she hasn't gone to school in over 3 years. As a result, she is easily overwhelmed by complicated mathematical problems. She has a soft spot for animals, particularly white rabbits.

She often mumbles religious remarks when killing, suggesting she has some devotion to religion. However, this only happens when Lizzie herself is under some sort of stress. This is later revealed to be Lizzie reliving the memories of the night she murdered her entire family.

Beneath her sociopathic exterior, Lizzie is actually a deeply traumatized child who isn't used to affection, becoming visibly confused when someone actually shows genuine care towards her. Deep down, she desires to be loved, but her instilled trauma causes her to harshly reject any form of affection and uses violence in order to cope.

groups Social
group Relationships
device_hub Family
date_range History
Birthday - When is Lizzie Hatcher’s birthday?

Unknown (sometime between Easter)

Background - What is Lizzie Hatcher’s background?

As a young child, Lizzie, born as "Alice," was extremely different from the way she is now. She was a timid and subdued young girl because of the abuse and neglect she received from her family because she was an illegitimate child. This, along with the fact that she desperately desired their affection, caused Alice to be easily manipulated and used by others, especially an older cousin of hers, Lewis, who claimed he was the only one that loved her, although his love was more of an obsession.

Lewis, who was a Baptist in a church, mentally and physically abused Alice when she went against him, justifying his actions with his religious beliefs, which were then used to indoctrinate Alice into believing it was okay.

According to Lizzie herself, Lewis never touched her in a sexual way, but she did believe that he lusted after her. An example of how Alice's cousin tormented her was by making her witness the torture and killing of her pet rabbit with a hatchet and reciting religious statements as he did. Every single thing that made Alice happy was destroyed or monitored by Lewis; however, because of her brainwashing, she believed everything he did for her was for her own good, showcasing her complete dependence on him. At some point in time, Lewis passed away from an unknown illness, presumably pneumonia. Alice, having lost the person she depended on the most, was severely depressed, leading her to commit suicide by throwing herself down a flight of stairs. However, the attempt failed, and according to her, the "Alice" part of her died and "Lizzie" was born.

Because her family neglected her all the time, Lizzie was left to do as she wanted. She began to show a morbid interest in death and wondered what killing felt like. Her first victim was a servant of the family, whom she pushed out a window. She felt twisted euphoria when she saw his twitching body on the ground. The death was ruled out as an accident, and Lizzie felt the thrill of having gotten away with her first victim. She then started planning out her next murder, which was the entire Hatcher family as revenge for what she had gone through. She personally drugged their dinner, held them captive, and killed them off one by one with a hatchet while reciting religious sayings in the same manner as her cousin. She then burned down the Hatcher home and ran away, fully embracing her new identity as a killer.

gamepad Abilities
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