info Overview
Name - What is Caleb Luc’s full name?

Caleb Luc

Gender - What is Caleb Luc’s gender?


Age - How old is Caleb Luc?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Caleb Luc weigh?

125 lbs

Height - How tall is Caleb Luc?


Hair Color - What color is Caleb Luc’s hair?

Grey/Silver white.

Hair Style - How does Caleb Luc style their hair?

Caleb has an absolute mop of grey/white hair. It hangs around his eyes, almost covering the eyes if not for the thin, wire frame glasses on his face. Very puffy and fluffy.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Caleb Luc have?


Eye Color - What is Caleb Luc’s eye color?

Silver/grey eyes, that are very wide and curious.

Race - What is Caleb Luc’s race?


Skin Tone

Very pale skin, with a tiny smattering of freckles on the bridge of the nose.

Body Type

He has absolutely no body mass to speak of and is very thin and delicate. He looks extremely fragile because.. Well- He is! Very waif-ish and small.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Caleb Luc have?

The wire glasses, upturned lips, and constantly holding a book.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Caleb Luc have?

He plays with his hands alot, and pushes up or fiddles with his glasses when he's nervous or excited. Hums when he's happy.

Motivations - What motivates Caleb Luc most?

Caleb likes to learn! Reading and learning and experimenting are what bring him the most joy in life. He wants to understand the why of everything and everyone. What motivates everyone else? Why does this thing do this?

Flaws - What flaws does Caleb Luc have?

He's not the most social creature, and gets nervous easily. Caleb is a sensitive soul and doesn't deal well with abrasive people or being hurt emotionally (or physically for that matter). He can come off as cold to people when he's distracted and he really isn't the best with physical cues from others. Physically he is also very weak.

Talents - What talents does Caleb Luc have?

Caleb is very good at tinkering and fixing small objects and planning larger ones. Incredibly intelligent and very forward thinking. He likes to think being rational is his biggest strength.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Caleb Luc have?

Reading mostly. However Caleb is also a massive fan of creating music. He enjoys writing sheet music and playing instruments. His singing voice is a sweet tenor, but he doesn't enjoy doing it in front of others. He can play several instruments quite well and a few he has passing knowledge about.


Caleb is a sensitive and sweet person. One who has a great sense of wonder with the world and everything around him and an unquenchable desire to learn. Not a fan of confrontation he prefers to take the background roles for everything, letting others take credit if they so wish. Fiercely loyal to friends in his own quiet way, but slow to extend trust to others.


He's constantly cold. He hates being cold.

favorite Social
Religion - What religion does Caleb Luc practice?

Agnostic, though the more he learns about the universe he does believe there might be a god.

Politics - What politics does Caleb Luc have?


Occupation - What is Caleb Luc’s occupation?

He's currently going for an engineering or architect role in a large company.

Favorite color - What is Caleb Luc’s favorite color?

Burnt orange and current red

Favorite food - What is Caleb Luc’s favorite food?

Sandwiches (Really anything simple thats not spicy and doesn't have meat.)

Favorite possession - What is Caleb Luc’s favorite possession?

He has a clarinet that used to belong to his mother.

Favorite weapon - What is Caleb Luc’s favorite weapon?

While not a fan of fighting, he'd probably have to choose poison. As he's not strong enough to even hold a sword and a gun would probably dislocate his shoulder.

Favorite animal - What is Caleb Luc’s favorite animal?

Bunnies, specifically the Flemish giant rabbit and elf owls.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Caleb Luc’s birthday?

November 16

Education - What is Caleb Luc’s level of education?

Pretty extensively self-taught. While he, of course, went to school and is working his way through college. He gains the majority of his knowledge through personal reading and study.

Background - What is Caleb Luc’s background?

At around age four, Calebs mother died and his father remarried two years later. His father was relatively wealthy and his step-mother was a kind woman. Caleb grew up very sickly and did much of his schooling at home, either online or with a personal tutor. He didn't make many friends growing up, and still spends much of his time alone and with his own thoughts. A very bright and precocious child. In highschool he wanted to pursue psychology as his career, but was quickly dissuaded from that by actually going to public school for a full year and interacting with real human people.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Caleb Luc have?

Always sort of wanted a pet but never got around to it. He knows he'd be too absent minded to properly take care of it.

edit Notes

  • Caleb is probably anemic, which doesn't help with him being cold all the time.

-He's vegetarian

-Plays clarinet, piano, and pochette.

audiotrack Music
accessibility Outfit
Summer Clothes

Even in summer, Caleb still wears thin sweaters or light jackets. He prefers soft clothes and absolutely despises short sleeves. He likes it when the sleeves are just a tad too long and cover over his hangs and fingers.

Winter Clothes

He absolutely bundles up every winter. The full jacket, the scarves, the gloves, and the hats. He dresses very old fashioned, with leather gloves and the longer jackets. Rather like an older man, or literally anyone in the field of psychology.


He's always wanted to get his ears pierced, so when he left home he did just that. He likes studs or black steel dangling earrings. Otherwise the only thing that could be called jewelry would be the strings he ties around his fingers as reminder for things.


With how pale he is, Caleb would sometimes use concealer and foundation to make himself look less like a corpse.

camera Abilities

This character was created by ScotchTapeWorm on

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