account_balance Overview
Name - What is Circe ’s full name?


Role - What is Circe ’s role in your story?

side character in Legacy

Other names - What other aliases does Circe go by?


Gender - What is Circe ’s gender?


Age - How old is Circe ?

15-20 in story

Time period


face Looks
Weight - How much does Circe weigh?

Circe weighs about 96lbs

Height - How tall is Circe ?

depending on her age, but she stays around 5'2"

Hair Color - What color is Circe ’s hair?

platinum blonde

Hair Style - How does Circe style their hair?

its very long, falling down to her tailbone just above her butt. Her hair is messy most of the time, whether it's because it's naturally wavy or she's just a mess. She never puts it up, not liking how cold she feels when her hair is up.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Circe have?


Eye Color - What is Circe ’s eye color?

Her pupils are pinkish and her irises are red (but like that eerie red like when you take a picture of a dog's eyes at night with the flash on. That kind of red.)

Race - What is Circe ’s race?


Skin Tone

pale white

Body Type

very tiny. She's very skinny and boney. Like you can see her ribs and her wrists are very smol.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Circe have?

She has red markings along her body, the skin underneath raised as if they are scars. Which they probably are ngl.
Circe has pointed teeth and nails like a vampire but she's not lol. Nor does she have any abilities other than being a witch. Circe also has pointed ears






Circe's voice is soft and smooth. More on the weak side.
Her voice is more monotone unless she's feeling an extreme emotions. In most cases its fear or panic.
Her voice leans towards more higher pitch. Do to her race (i havent made like a legit race for her yet but i shall) she takes on many attributes of a cat. And no, not in the weird way.
Because of this, her immediate way of defending herself or warning someone to stay away is sort of hissing? Again, not in the weird way but more like, she's literally scared please stay away from the poor girl.
She's more quiet for the most part though.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Circe have?

Circe is rude and blunt with her words. She will never hold back any mean words or actions of hers. She's outspoken but not loud.
She's often making herself seem smaller, sitting in odd positions.
She never looks you in the eye unless she's angry. Circe is often seen with bugs of all sorts, not hurting them but interacting with them.
She can get aggressive or frustrated rather easily and will not hesitate to bite you. It's a defense mechanism for her kind. Now that she has sharp teeth, she uses that to her advantage.

Motivations - What motivates Circe most?

haha she's just confused my man. like all the time, confused and trying to learn how to life

Flaws - What flaws does Circe have?

She likes getting into other people's business and she's not about to hide that either.
Circe is the type to attack someone by biting them and scratching off their face. She's literally an evil gremlin.
She doesn't get social cues easily and struggles with social interaction with people in general.

Talents - What talents does Circe have?

being a brat

Hobbies - What hobbies does Circe have?

one word. Bugs

headset Clothing
border_color Notes
groups Social
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date_range History
wc Family
brightness_4 Power/abilities

This character was created by Celeste on

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